Uses of Interface
Packages that use BundleStreamSource Package Description elki.datasource Data normalization (and reconstitution) of data sets.elki.datasource.bundle Object bundles - exchange container for multi-represented objects.elki.datasource.filter Data filtering, in particular for normalization and Filters for data cleaning.elki.datasource.filter.normalization.instancewise Instancewise normalization, where each instance is normalized independently.elki.datasource.filter.selection Filters for selecting and sorting data to process.elki.datasource.filter.transform Data space transformations.elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions Filters to perform data type conversions.elki.datasource.parser Parsers for different file formats and data types. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource
Methods in elki.datasource that return BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Method Description protected BundleStreamSource
AbstractDatabaseConnection. invokeStreamFilters(BundleStreamSource stream)
Transforms the specified list of objects and their labels into a list of objects and their associations.Methods in elki.datasource with parameters of type BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Method Description protected BundleStreamSource
AbstractDatabaseConnection. invokeStreamFilters(BundleStreamSource stream)
Transforms the specified list of objects and their labels into a list of objects and their associations. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.bundle
Classes in elki.datasource.bundle that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Read an ELKI bundle file into a data stream.class
Convert a MultipleObjectsBundle to a stream.Methods in elki.datasource.bundle that return BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Method Description BundleStreamSource
MultipleObjectsBundle. asStream()
Process this bundle as stream.Methods in elki.datasource.bundle with parameters of type BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Method Description static MultipleObjectsBundle
MultipleObjectsBundle. fromStream(BundleStreamSource source)
Convert an object stream to a bundlevoid
BundleWriter. writeBundleStream(BundleStreamSource source, java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel output)
Write a bundle stream to a file output channel.private ByteBufferSerializer<?>[]
BundleWriter. writeHeader(BundleStreamSource source, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel output)
Write the header for the given stream to the stream. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.filter
Subinterfaces of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.filter Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Streaming filters are often more efficient (less memory use) as they do not keep a reference to earlier data.Classes in elki.datasource.filter that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Abstract base class for simple conversion filters such as normalizations and projections.class
Abstract base class for streaming filters.class
AbstractVectorStreamConversionFilter<I,O extends NumberVector>
Abstract base class for streaming filters that produce vectors.class
Dummy filter that doesn't do any filtering.Fields in elki.datasource.filter declared as BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Field Description protected BundleStreamSource
AbstractStreamFilter. source
Data sourceMethods in elki.datasource.filter that return BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Method Description BundleStreamSource
AbstractStreamFilter. init(BundleStreamSource source)
StreamFilter. init(BundleStreamSource source)
Connect to the previous stream.Methods in elki.datasource.filter with parameters of type BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Method Description BundleStreamSource
AbstractStreamFilter. init(BundleStreamSource source)
StreamFilter. init(BundleStreamSource source)
Connect to the previous stream. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in
Classes in that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
A filter to drop all records that contain NaN values.class
A filter to remove entries that have missing values.class
A filter to replace all NaN values with random values.class
VectorDimensionalityFilter<V extends NumberVector>
Filter to remove all vectors that do not have the desired dimensionality. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.filter.normalization.instancewise
Classes in elki.datasource.filter.normalization.instancewise that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
HellingerHistogramNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Normalize histograms by scaling them to unit absolute sum, then taking the square root of the absolute value in each attribute, times the normalization constant 1/√2.class
InstanceLogRankNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Normalize vectors such that the smallest value of each instance is 0, the largest is 1, but using log2(1+x).class
InstanceMeanVarianceNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Normalize vectors such that they have zero mean and unit variance.class
InstanceMinMaxNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Normalize vectors with respect to a given minimum and maximum in each dimension.class
InstanceRankNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Normalize vectors such that the smallest value of each instance is 0, the largest is 1.class
LengthNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Class to perform a normalization on vectors to norm 1.class
Log1PlusNormalization<V extends NumberVector>
Normalize the data set by applying log(1+|x|b)log1+b to any value. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.filter.selection
Classes in elki.datasource.filter.selection that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
A filter to select data set by their label.class
Keep only the first N elements of the data source.class
Subsampling stream filter. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.filter.transform
Classes in elki.datasource.filter.transform that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
HistogramJitterFilter<V extends NumberVector>
Add jitter, preserving the histogram properties (same sum, nonnegative).class
LatLngToECEFFilter<V extends NumberVector>
Project a 2D data set (latitude, longitude) to a 3D coordinate system (X, Y, Z), such that Euclidean distance is line-of-sight.class
LngLatToECEFFilter<V extends NumberVector>
Project a 2D data set (longitude, latitude) to a 3D coordinate system (X, Y, Z), such that Euclidean distance is line-of-sight.class
NumberVectorFeatureSelectionFilter<V extends NumberVector>
Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a selected subset of attributes.class
NumberVectorRandomFeatureSelectionFilter<V extends NumberVector>
Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a randomly selected subset of attributes.class
Apply a projection to the data. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions
Classes in elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Streaming filter to derive an outlier class label.class
MultivariateTimeSeriesFilter<V extends FeatureVector<?>>
Class to "fold" a flat number vector into a multivariate time series. -
Uses of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.parser
Subinterfaces of BundleStreamSource in elki.datasource.parser Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Interface for streaming parsers, that may be much more efficient in combination with filters.Classes in elki.datasource.parser that implement BundleStreamSource Modifier and Type Class Description class
Base class for streaming parsers.class
Parser for parsing one BitVector per line, bits separated by whitespace.class
CategorialDataAsNumberVectorParser<V extends NumberVector>
A very simple parser for categorial data, which will then be encoded as numbers.class
Parser for simple clustering results in vector form, as written byClusteringVectorDumper
LibSVMFormatParser<V extends SparseNumberVector>
Parser to read libSVM format files.class
NumberVectorLabelParser<V extends NumberVector>
Parser for a simple CSV type of format, with columns separated by the given pattern (default: whitespace).class
Parser to load polygon data (2D and 3D only) from a simple format.class
Simple parser for transactional data, such as market baskets.class
SparseNumberVectorLabelParser<V extends SparseNumberVector>
Parser for parsing one point per line, attributes separated by whitespace.class
TermFrequencyParser<V extends SparseNumberVector>
A parser to load term frequency data, which essentially are sparse vectors with text keys.