ELKI 0.7.5 release notes

ELKI 0.7.5 “Heidelberg” is available on Maven and on our releases web page:


dependencies {
    // All the core parts, without visualization:
    compile group: 'de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki', name: 'elki', version:'0.7.5'
    // If you want to use visualization:
    compile group: 'de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki', name: 'elki-batik-visualization', version:'0.7.5'


<!-- ELKI core, without visualization -->
<!-- You only need this dependency if you need visualization -->

Please clone https://github.com/elki-project/example-elki-project for a minimal project example.

Upcoming major changes

The next ELKI release will shorten all package names. We will also change the group ID to reflect that the project moved to https://elki-project.github.io/.

Since we will rename all packages, we will also use this opportunity to simplify other class names, such as “DistanceFunction” to “Distance”.

Futher breaking changes include changes to the result hierarchy and metadata management. These are necessary for important new functionality (such as automatic indexing, and garbage collection).

For ELKI 0.8.0, we will likely target Java 11 or 12, so 0.7.5 is supposedly the last version to support Java 8. We may begin using the var feature of Java 9 in cases where it makes the code more readable.

Thus the next 0.8.0 release will not be backwards compatible at all.

New functionality


Association Rule Mining

Outlier Detection

Projections and Embeddings

Change Point Detection in Time Series

Distance and Similarity Functions


Indexing Additions

Statistics Layer

Other Improvements

See also release notes 0.7 and release notes 0.7.1 for additional release notes of ELKI 0.7.0 and 0.7.1