AbstractHDBSCAN |
Abstract base class for HDBSCAN variations.
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) or Agglomerative Nesting (AGNES)
is a classic hierarchical clustering algorithm.
AGNES.Instance |
Main worker instance of AGNES.
Anderberg |
This is a modification of the classic AGNES algorithm for hierarchical
clustering using a nearest-neighbor heuristic for acceleration.
Anderberg.Instance |
Main worker instance of Anderberg's algorithm.
CLINK algorithm for complete linkage.
ClusterDensityMergeHistory |
Hierarchical clustering merge list, with additional coredists information.
ClusterDistanceMatrix |
Shared code for algorithms that work on a pairwise cluster distance matrix.
ClusterMergeHistory |
Merge history representing a hierarchical clustering.
ClusterMergeHistoryBuilder |
Class to help building a pointer hierarchy.
ClusterPrototypeMergeHistory |
Cluster merge history with additional cluster prototypes (for HACAM,
MedoidLinkage, and MiniMax clustering)
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Around Medoids (HACAM) is a
hierarchical clustering method that merges the clusters with the smallest
distance to the medoid of the union.
HACAM.Variant |
Variants of the HACAM method.
HDBSCANLinearMemory |
Linear memory implementation of HDBSCAN clustering.
HierarchicalClusteringAlgorithm |
Interface for hierarchical clustering algorithms.
LinearMemoryNNChain |
NNchain clustering algorithm with linear memory, for particular linkages
(that can be aggregated) and numerical vector data only.
MedoidLinkage |
Medoid linkage uses the distance of medoids as criterion.
MiniMax |
Minimax Linkage clustering.
MiniMax.Instance |
Main worker instance of MiniMax.
MiniMaxAnderberg |
This is a modification of the classic MiniMax algorithm for hierarchical
clustering using a nearest-neighbor heuristic for acceleration.
MiniMaxNNChain |
MiniMax hierarchical clustering using the NNchain algorithm.
NNChain |
NNchain clustering algorithm.
OPTICSToHierarchical |
Convert a OPTICS ClusterOrder to a hierarchical clustering.
Implementation of the efficient Single-Link Algorithm SLINK of R.
Linear memory implementation of HDBSCAN clustering based on SLINK.