AbstractStreamingParser |
Base class for streaming parsers.
AbstractStreamingParser.Par |
Parameterization class.
ArffParser |
Parser to load WEKA .arff files into ELKI.
BitVectorLabelParser |
Parser for parsing one BitVector per line, bits separated by whitespace.
CategorialDataAsNumberVectorParser |
A very simple parser for categorial data, which will then be encoded as
ClusteringVectorParser |
CSVReaderFormat |
Basic format factory for parsing CSV-like formats.
LibSVMFormatParser |
Parser to read libSVM format files.
NumberVectorLabelParser |
Parser for a simple CSV type of format, with columns separated by the given
pattern (default: whitespace).
NumberVectorLabelParser.Par |
Parameterization class.
Parser |
A Parser shall provide a ParsingResult by parsing an InputStream.
SimplePolygonParser |
Parser to load polygon data (2D and 3D only) from a simple format.
SimpleTransactionParser |
Simple parser for transactional data, such as market baskets.
SparseNumberVectorLabelParser |
Parser for parsing one point per line, attributes separated by whitespace.
StreamingParser |
Interface for streaming parsers, that may be much more efficient in
combination with filters.
StringParser |
Parser that loads a text file for use with string similarity measures.
TermFrequencyParser |
A parser to load term frequency data, which essentially are sparse vectors
with text keys.