ComputeOutlierHistogram |
Compute a Histogram to evaluate a ranking algorithm.
JudgeOutlierScores |
Compute a Histogram to evaluate a ranking algorithm.
JudgeOutlierScores.ScoreResult |
Result object for outlier score judgements.
OutlierPrecisionAtKCurve |
Compute a curve containing the precision values for an outlier detection
OutlierPrecisionRecallCurve |
Compute a curve containing the precision values for an outlier detection
OutlierPrecisionRecallGainCurve |
Compute a curve containing the precision gain and revall gain values for an
outlier detection method.
OutlierRankingEvaluation |
Evaluate outlier scores by their ranking
OutlierROCCurve |
Compute a ROC curve to evaluate a ranking algorithm and compute the
corresponding AUROC value.
OutlierSmROCCurve |
Smooth ROC curves are a variation of classic ROC curves that takes the scores
into account.
OutlierSmROCCurve.SmROCResult |
Result object for Smooth ROC curves.
OutlierThresholdClustering |
Pseudo clustering algorithm that builds clusters based on their outlier