Package elki.math
Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework.
Class Summary Class Description DoubleMinMax Class to find the minimum and maximum double values in data.IntegerMinMax Class to find the minimum and maximum int values in data.MathUtil A collection of math related utility functions.Mean Compute the mean using a numerically stable online algorithm.MeanVariance Do some simple statistics (mean, variance) using a numerically stable online algorithm.MeanVarianceMinMax Class collecting mean, variance, minimum and maximum statistics.PearsonCorrelation Class to compute the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) also known as Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC).Primes Class for prime number handling.SinCosTable Class to precompute / cache Sinus and Cosinus values.SinCosTable.FullTable Table that can't exploit much symmetry, because the steps are not divisible by 2.SinCosTable.HalfTable Table that exploits just one symmetry, as the number of steps is divisible by two.SinCosTable.QuarterTable Table that exploits both symmetries, as the number of steps is divisible by four.StatisticalMoments Track various statistical moments, including mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis.