Package elki.projection
Data projections (see also preprocessing filters for basic projections).
Interface Summary Interface Description AffinityMatrix Abstraction interface for an affinity matrix.AffinityMatrixBuilder<O> Interface for computing an affinity matrix. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractProjectionAlgorithm<R> Abstract base class for projection algorithms.BarnesHutTSNE<O> t-SNE using Barnes-Hut-Approximation.BarnesHutTSNE.QuadTree Quad Tree for use in a Barnes-Hut approximation.DenseAffinityMatrix Dense affinity matrix storage.GaussianAffinityMatrixBuilder<O> Compute the affinity matrix for SNE and tSNE using a Gaussian distribution with a constant sigma.GaussianAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par<O> Parameterization class.IntrinsicNearestNeighborAffinityMatrixBuilder<O> Build sparse affinity matrix using the nearest neighbors only, adjusting for intrinsic dimensionality.IntrinsicNearestNeighborAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par<O> Parameterization class.NearestNeighborAffinityMatrixBuilder<O> Build sparse affinity matrix using the nearest neighbors only.NearestNeighborAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par<O> Parameterization class.PerplexityAffinityMatrixBuilder<O> Compute the affinity matrix for SNE and tSNE.PerplexityAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par<O> Parameterization class.SNE<O> Stochastic Neighbor Embedding is a projection technique designed for visualization that tries to preserve the nearest neighbor structure.SparseAffinityMatrix Dense affinity matrix storage.TSNE<O> t-Stochastic Neighbor Embedding is a projection technique designed for visualization that tries to preserve the nearest neighbor structure.