Class MinimumVarianceLinkage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    @Reference(authors="J. Podani",title="New Combinatorial Clustering Methods",booktitle="Vegetatio 81(1/2)",url="",bibkey="doi:10.1007/978-94-009-2432-1_5") @Reference(authors="E. Diday, J. Lemaire, J. Pouget, F. Testu",title="Elements d\'analyse de donnees",booktitle="",bibkey="books/misc/DidayLPT85")
    public class MinimumVarianceLinkage
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Linkage
    Minimum increase in variance (MIVAR) linkage.

    This is subtly different from Ward's method (WardLinkage, MISSQ), because variance is normalized by the cluster size; and Ward minimizes the increase in sum of squares (without normalization). dMIVAR(AB,C)=(|A|+|C||A|+|B|+|C|)2d(A,C)+(|B|+|C||A|+|B|+|C|)2d(B,C)|C|(|A|+|B|)(|A|+|B|+|C|)2d(A,B) or equivalently: dMIVAR(AB,C)=(|A|+|C|)2d(A,C)+(|B|+|C|)2d(B,C)|C|(|A|+|B|)d(A,B)(|A|+|B|+|C|)2


    J. Podani
    New Combinatorial Clustering Methods
    Vegetatio 81(1/2)

    attributes this to (but we did not verify):

    E. Diday, J. Lemaire, J. Pouget, F. Testu
    Elements d'analyse de donnees

    Erich Schubert
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  MinimumVarianceLinkage.Par
      Class parameterizer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double combine​(int sizex, double dx, int sizey, double dy, int sizej, double dxy)
      Compute combined linkage for two clusters.
      double initial​(double d, boolean issquare)
      Initialization of the distance matrix.
      double restore​(double d, boolean issquare)
      Restore a distance to the original scale.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • MinimumVarianceLinkage

        public MinimumVarianceLinkage()
        use the static instance STATIC instead.
    • Method Detail

      • initial

        public double initial​(double d,
                              boolean issquare)
        Description copied from interface: Linkage
        Initialization of the distance matrix.
        Specified by:
        initial in interface Linkage
        d - Distance
        issquare - Flag to indicate the input values are already squared
        Initial value
      • restore

        public double restore​(double d,
                              boolean issquare)
        Description copied from interface: Linkage
        Restore a distance to the original scale.
        Specified by:
        restore in interface Linkage
        d - Distance
        issquare - Flag to indicate the input values were already squared
        Initial value
      • combine

        public double combine​(int sizex,
                              double dx,
                              int sizey,
                              double dy,
                              int sizej,
                              double dxy)
        Description copied from interface: Linkage
        Compute combined linkage for two clusters.
        Specified by:
        combine in interface Linkage
        sizex - Size of first cluster x before merging
        dx - Distance of cluster x to j before merging
        sizey - Size of second cluster y before merging
        dy - Distance of cluster y to j before merging
        sizej - Size of candidate cluster j
        dxy - Distance between clusters x and y before merging
        Combined distance