ABIDEstimator |
Angle based intrinsic dimensionality (ABID) estimator.
AggregatedHillEstimator |
Estimator using the weighted average of multiple hill estimators.
ALIDEstimator |
ALID estimator of the intrinsic dimensionality (maximum likelihood estimator
for ID using auxiliary distances).
DistanceBasedIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimator |
Distance-based ID estimator.
EnsembleEstimator |
Ensemble estimator taking the median of three of our best estimators.
GEDEstimator |
Generalized Expansion Dimension for estimating the intrinsic dimensionality.
HillEstimator |
Hill estimator of the intrinsic dimensionality (maximum likelihood estimator
for ID).
IntrinsicDimensionalityEstimator |
Estimate the intrinsic dimensionality from a distance list.
LMomentsEstimator |
Probability weighted moments based estimator using L-Moments.
LPCAEstimator |
Local PCA based ID estimator.
MOMEstimator |
Methods of moments estimator, using the first moment (i.e. average).
PWM2Estimator |
Probability weighted moments based estimator, using the second moment.
PWMEstimator |
Probability weighted moments based estimator.
RABIDEstimator |
Raw angle based intrinsic dimensionality (RABID) estimator.
RVEstimator |
Regularly Varying Functions estimator of the intrinsic dimensionality
TightLIDEstimator |
TightLID Estimator (TLE) of the intrinsic dimensionality (maximum likelihood
estimator for ID using auxiliary distances).
ZipfEstimator |
Zipf estimator (qq-estimator) of the intrinsic dimensionality.