Package elki.outlier.lof
LOF family of outlier detection algorithms.
Class Summary Class Description ALOCI<V extends NumberVector> Fast Outlier Detection Using the "approximate Local Correlation Integral".ALOCI.ALOCIQuadTree Simple quadtree for ALOCI.ALOCI.Node Node of the ALOCI QuadtreeALOCI.Par<O extends NumberVector> Parameterization class.COF<O> Connectivity-based Outlier Factor (COF).FlexibleLOF<O> Flexible variant of the "Local Outlier Factor" algorithm.FlexibleLOF.LOFResult<O> Encapsulates information like the neighborhood, the LRD and LOF values of the objects during a run of theFlexibleLOF
algorithm.FlexibleLOF.Par<O> Parameterization class.INFLO<O> Influence Outliers using Symmetric Relationship (INFLO) using two-way search, is an outlier detection method based on LOF; but also using the reverse kNN.INFLO.Par<O> Parameterization class.KDEOS<O> Generalized Outlier Detection with Flexible Kernel Density Estimates.LDF<O extends NumberVector> Outlier Detection with Kernel Density Functions.LDOF<O> Computes the LDOF (Local Distance-Based Outlier Factor) for all objects of a Database.LDOF.Par<O> Parameterization class.LOCI<O> Fast Outlier Detection Using the "Local Correlation Integral".LOCI.DoubleIntArrayList Array of double-int values.LOF<O> Algorithm to compute density-based local outlier factors in a database based on a specified parameter-lof.k
.LoOP<O> LoOP: Local Outlier ProbabilitiesOnlineLOF<O> Incremental version of theLOF
Algorithm, supports insertions and removals.OnlineLOF.Par<O> Parameterization class.SimpleKernelDensityLOF<O extends NumberVector> A simple variant of the LOF algorithm, which uses a simple kernel density estimation instead of the local reachability density.SimplifiedLOF<O> A simplified version of the original LOF algorithm, which does not use the reachability distance, yielding less stable results on inliers.VarianceOfVolume<O extends SpatialComparable> Variance of Volume for outlier detection.