Write a custom result handler

Version information: Updated for ELKI 0.8.0

The simples API for accessing ELKI results is the ResultHandler API.

In this tutorial, we will implement a custom result handler to output data in our preferred custom format.

Auto-generated code

Implementing the interface yields the following template stub:

import elki.result.ResultHandler;

public class SimpleScoreDumper implements ResultHandler {
  public void processNewResult(Object newResult) {
    // TODO: implement

Finding Outlier Results

For this example, we want to access the result of an outlier detection algorithm. First of all, we will need to scan the current result tree for appropriate outlier detection results. Fortunately, the ResultUtil class already implements this job for us:

    ArrayList<OutlierResult> ors = ResultUtil.filterResults(newResult, OutlierResult.class);
    for (OutlierResult o : ors) {
      // TODO: process outlier result.

Accessing the scores

Our output format will be a simple list of object id and outlier scores. For this we just iterate over all objects, print their ID and score:

      DoubleRelation scores = o.getScores();
      for (DBIDIter iter = scores.iterDBIDs(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
        System.out.println(DBIDUtil.toString(iter) + " " + scores.doubleValue(iter));

Putting it all together

The complete class looks like this:

import java.util.ArrayList;

import elki.database.ids.DBIDIter;
import elki.database.ids.DBIDUtil;
import elki.database.relation.DoubleRelation;
import elki.result.ResultHandler;
import elki.result.ResultUtil;
import elki.result.outlier.OutlierResult;

public class SimpleScoreDumper implements ResultHandler {
  public void processNewResult(Object newResult) {
    // Get all new outlier results
    ArrayList<OutlierResult> ors = ResultUtil.filterResults(newResult, OutlierResult.class);
    for (OutlierResult o : ors) {
      DoubleRelation scores = o.getScores();
      for (DBIDIter iter = scores.iterDBIDs(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
        System.out.println(DBIDUtil.toString(iter) + " " + scores.doubleValue(iter));

The class should show up automatically in the -resulthandler choices of the UI. Since there is an implicit parameterless public constructor, it can automatically be instantiated, and we do not have to add an Parameterizer.

You can browse the full source code online, in the tutorial folder

Dumping clusterings

Similarly, we could search for Clustering results, iterate over the clusters and print each clusters object IDs:

    ArrayList<Clustering<?>> cs = ResultUtil.filterResults(newResult, Clustering.class);
    for (Clustering<?> c : cs) {
      for (Cluster<?> cluster : c.getAllClusters()) {
        for (DBIDIter iter = cluster.getIDs().iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {

Object numbering

ELKI will use a continuous object numbering by default. If you want the object IDs to always start at 0, use e.g. a FixedDBIDsFilter to use a static numbering scheme.