Uses of Class
Packages that use OptionID Package Description elki ELKI framework "Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures".elki.algorithm Miscellaneous algorithms.elki.algorithm.statistics Statistical analysis algorithms.elki.application Base classes for standalone applications.elki.application.benchmark Benchmarking pseudo algorithms.elki.application.cache Utility applications for the persistence layer such as distance cache builders.elki.application.experiments Packaged experiments to make them easy to reproduce.elki.application.greedyensemble Greedy ensembles for outlier detection.elki.application.statistics Applications to compute some basic data set statistics.elki.classification Classification algorithms.elki.clustering Clustering algorithms.elki.clustering.affinitypropagation Affinity Propagation (AP) clustering.elki.clustering.biclustering Biclustering algorithms.elki.clustering.correlation Correlation clustering algorithms.elki.clustering.dbscan DBSCAN and its generalizations.elki.clustering.dbscan.parallel Parallel versions of Generalized DBSCAN.elki.clustering.dbscan.predicates Neighbor and core predicated for Generalized DBSCAN.elki.clustering.em Expectation-Maximization clustering algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM).elki.clustering.em.models elki.clustering.hierarchical Hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC).elki.clustering.hierarchical.birch BIRCH clustering.elki.clustering.hierarchical.extraction Extraction of partitional clusterings from hierarchical results.elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage Linkages for hierarchical clustering.elki.clustering.kcenter K-center clustering.elki.clustering.kmeans K-means clustering and variations.elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization Initialization strategies for k-means.elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization.betula Initialization methods for BIRCH-based k-means and EM clustering.elki.clustering.kmedoids K-medoids clustering (PAM).elki.clustering.kmedoids.initialization elki.clustering.meta Meta clustering algorithms, that get their result from other clusterings or external sources.elki.clustering.onedimensional Clustering algorithms for one-dimensional data.elki.clustering.optics OPTICS family of clustering algorithms.elki.clustering.subspace Axis-parallel subspace clustering algorithms.elki.clustering.svm elki.clustering.trivial Trivial clustering algorithms: all in one, no clusters, label clusterings.elki.clustering.uncertain Clustering algorithms for uncertain Data Random projection Classes to generate uncertain objects from existing certain data.elki.database ELKI database layer - loading, storing, indexing and accessing data.elki.datasource Data normalization (and reconstitution) of data sets.elki.datasource.filter Data filtering, in particular for normalization and Filters for data cleaning.elki.datasource.filter.normalization.columnwise Normalizations operating on columns / variates; where each column is treated independently.elki.datasource.filter.normalization.instancewise Instancewise normalization, where each instance is normalized independently.elki.datasource.filter.selection Filters for selecting and sorting data to process.elki.datasource.filter.transform Data space transformations.elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions Filters to perform data type conversions.elki.datasource.parser Parsers for different file formats and data types.elki.distance Distance functions for use within ELKI.elki.distance.adapter Distance functions deriving distances from, e.g., similarity measures.elki.distance.colorhistogram Distance functions for color histograms.elki.distance.external Distance functions using external data sources.elki.distance.geo Geographic (earth) distance functions.elki.distance.minkowski Minkowski space Lp norms such as the popular Euclidean and Manhattan distances.elki.distance.subspace Distance functions based on subspaces.elki.distance.timeseries Distance functions designed for time series.elki.evaluation.classification.holdout Holdout and cross-validation strategies for evaluating classifiers.elki.evaluation.clustering Evaluation of clustering results.elki.evaluation.clustering.internal Internal evaluation measures for clusterings.elki.evaluation.outlier Evaluate an outlier score using a misclassification based cost model.elki.evaluation.scores Evaluation of rankings and scorings.elki.evaluation.similaritymatrix Render a distance matrix to visualize a clustering-distance-combination.elki.gui.util Utility classes for GUIs (e.g., a class to display a logging panel).elki.index Index structure implementations.elki.index.distancematrix Precomputed distance matrix.elki.index.idistance iDistance is a distance based indexing technique, using a reference points embedding.elki.index.laesa Linear Approximating and Eliminating Search Algorithm (LAESA).elki.index.lsh Locality Sensitive Hashing.elki.index.lsh.hashfamilies Hash function families for LSH.elki.index.preprocessed.fastoptics Preprocessed index used by the FastOPTICS algorithm.elki.index.preprocessed.knn Indexes providing KNN and rKNN data.elki.index.preprocessed.snn Indexes providing nearest neighbor sets.elki.index.projected Projected indexes for data.elki.index.tree.betula BETULA clustering by aggregating the data into cluster features.elki.index.tree.metrical.covertree Cover-tree variations.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants M-tree and variants.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees Metrical index structures based on the concepts of the M-Tree supporting processing of reverse k nearest neighbor queries by using the k-nn distances of the entries.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.strategies.split Splitting strategies of nodes in an M-tree (and variants).elki.index.tree.metrical.vptree elki.index.tree.spatial.kd K-d-tree and variants.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants R*-tree and variants.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.rdknn elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.bulk Packages for bulk-loading R*-trees.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.insert Insertion strategies for R-trees.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.overflow Overflow treatment strategies for R-trees.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.reinsert Reinsertion strategies for R-trees.elki.index.vafile Vector Approximation File.elki.itemsetmining Algorithms for frequent itemset mining such as APRIORI.elki.itemsetmining.associationrules Association rule mining.elki.math.geodesy Functions for computing on the sphere / earth.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and eigenvector processing.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter Filter eigenvectors based on their eigenvalues.elki.math.statistics.dependence Statistical measures of dependence, such as correlation.elki.math.statistics.distribution Standard distributions, with random generation functionalities.elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta Meta estimators: estimators that do not actually estimate themselves, but instead use other estimators, e.g., on a trimmed data set, or as an ensemble.elki.math.statistics.intrinsicdimensionality Methods for estimating the intrinsic dimensionality.elki.outlier Outlier detection algorithms.elki.outlier.anglebased Angle-based outlier detection algorithms.elki.outlier.clustering Clustering based outlier detection.elki.outlier.density Density-based outlier detection algorithms.elki.outlier.distance Distance-based outlier detection algorithms, such as DBOutlier and kNN.elki.outlier.intrinsic Outlier detection algorithms based on intrinsic dimensionality.elki.outlier.lof LOF family of outlier detection algorithms.elki.outlier.meta Meta outlier detection algorithms: external scores, score rescaling.elki.outlier.spatial Spatial outlier detection algorithms.elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood Spatial outlier neighborhood classes.elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood.weighted Weighted neighborhood definitions.elki.outlier.subspace Subspace outlier detection methods.elki.outlier.svm Support-Vector-Machines for outlier detection.elki.outlier.trivial Trivial outlier detection algorithms: no outliers, all outliers, label outliers.elki.persistent Persistent data management.elki.projection Data projections (see also preprocessing filters for basic projections).elki.result Result types, representation and handling.elki.similarity Similarity functions.elki.similarity.kernel Kernel functions.elki.timeseries Algorithms for change point detection in time series.elki.utilities Utility and helper classes - commonly used data structures, output formatting, exceptions, ...elki.utilities.ensemble Utility classes for simple ensembles.elki.utilities.optionhandling Parameter handling and option descriptions.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameterization Configuration managers.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters Classes for various typed parameters.elki.utilities.referencepoints Package containing strategies to obtain reference points.elki.utilities.scaling Scaling functions: linear, logarithmic, gamma, clipping, ...elki.utilities.scaling.outlier Scaling of outlier scores, that require a statistical analysis of the occurring values.elki.visualization Visualization package of ELKI.elki.visualization.parallel3d 3DPC: 3D parallel coordinate plot visualization for ELKI.elki.visualization.parallel3d.layout Layouting algorithms for 3D parallel coordinate plots.elki.visualization.projector Projectors are responsible for finding appropriate projections for data relations.elki.visualization.visualizers.histogram Visualizers based on 1D projected histograms.elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel.cluster Visualizers for clustering results based on parallel coordinates.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot Visualizers based on scatterplots.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.cluster Visualizers for clustering results based on 2D projections.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.index Visualizers for index structures based on 2D projections.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.outlier Visualizers for outlier scores based on 2D projections.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.selection Visualizers for object selection based on 2D projections.elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj Visualizers that do not use a particular projection.elki.workflow Work flow packages, e.g., following the usual KDD model.tutorial.clustering Classes from the tutorial on implementing a custom k-means variation.tutorial.distancefunction Classes from the tutorial on implementing distance functions.tutorial.outlier Tutorials on implementing outlier detection methods in ELKI. -
Uses of OptionID in elki
Fields in elki declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Algorithm.Utils. ALGORITHM_ID
Parameter to specify the algorithm to run.static OptionID
OptionID for the distance function. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.algorithm
Fields in elki.algorithm declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Flag to use random sample (use knn query around centroid, if flag is not set).static OptionID
KNNDistancesSampler.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the distance of the k-distant object to be assessed, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
KNNJoin.Par. K_ID
Parameter that specifies the k-nearest neighbors to be assigned, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
DependencyDerivator.Par. OUTPUT_ACCURACY_ID
Parameter to specify the threshold for output accuracy fraction digits, must be an integer equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
DependencyDerivator.Par. SAMPLE_SIZE_ID
Optional parameter to specify the threshold for the size of the random sample to use, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
KNNDistancesSampler.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter to specify the average percentage of distances randomly chosen to be provided in the result, must be a double greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.static OptionID
KNNDistancesSampler.Par. SEED_ID
Random generator seed for distances. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.algorithm.statistics
Fields in elki.algorithm.statistics declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
DistanceStatisticsWithClasses.Par. EXACT_ID
Flag to compute exact value range for binning.static OptionID
DistanceStatisticsWithClasses.Par. HISTOGRAM_BINS_ID
Option to configure the number of bins to use.static OptionID
EvaluateRankingQuality.Par. HISTOGRAM_BINS_ID
Option to configure the number of bins to use.static OptionID
RankingQualityHistogram.Par. HISTOGRAM_BINS_ID
Option to configure the number of bins to use.static OptionID
AveragePrecisionAtK.Par. INCLUDESELF_ID
Parameter to include the query object.static OptionID
EvaluateRetrievalPerformance.Par. INCLUDESELF_ID
Parameter to include the query object.private static OptionID
AveragePrecisionAtK.Par. K_ID
Parameter k to compute the average precision at.static OptionID
HopkinsStatisticClusteringTendency.Par. K_ID
Parameter for k.static OptionID
HopkinsStatisticClusteringTendency.Par. MAXIMA_ID
Parameter for maximum.static OptionID
EvaluateRetrievalPerformance.Par. MAXK_ID
Parameter for maximum value of k.static OptionID
HopkinsStatisticClusteringTendency.Par. MINIMA_ID
Parameter for minimum.static OptionID
AddSingleScale.Par. MINMAX_ID
Minimum and maximum values.static OptionID
DistanceQuantileSampler.Par. NOZEROS_ID
Flag to ignore zero distances (recommended with many duplicates).static OptionID
DistanceQuantileSampler.Par. QUANTILE_ID
Quantile to compute.static OptionID
HopkinsStatisticClusteringTendency.Par. REP_ID
Parameter to specify the number of repetitions of computing the hopkins value.static OptionID
HopkinsStatisticClusteringTendency.Par. SAMPLESIZE_ID
Sample size.static OptionID
AveragePrecisionAtK.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter to enable sampling.static OptionID
DistanceQuantileSampler.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Sampling rate.static OptionID
DistanceStatisticsWithClasses.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Flag to enable sampling.static OptionID
EvaluateRetrievalPerformance.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter to enable sampling.static OptionID
AveragePrecisionAtK.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to control the sampling random seed.static OptionID
DistanceQuantileSampler.Par. SEED_ID
Random generator seed.static OptionID
EvaluateRetrievalPerformance.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to control the sampling random seed.static OptionID
HopkinsStatisticClusteringTendency.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the random generator seed. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.application
Fields in elki.application declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ConvertToBundleApplication.Par. DATABASE_CONNECTION_ID
Option to specify the data source for the database.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. DATABASE_ID
Option ID to specify the database typestatic OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. DEBUG_ID
Optional Parameter to specify a class to enable debugging for.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. DESCRIPTION_ID
Optional Parameter to specify a class to obtain a description for.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. HELP_ID
Flag to obtain help-message.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. HELP_LONG_ID
Flag to obtain help-message.static OptionID
ClassifierHoldoutEvaluationTask.Par. HOLDOUT_ID
Parameter to specify the holdout for evaluation, must extendHoldout
.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. INPUT_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the input file.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. OUTPUT_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the output file.static OptionID
AbstractApplication.Par. VERBOSE_ID
Flag to allow verbose messages while running the application. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.application.benchmark
Fields in elki.application.benchmark declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ValidateApproximativeKNNIndex.Par. FORCE_ID
Force linear scanning.static OptionID
KNNBenchmark.Par. K_ID
Parameter for the number of neighbors.static OptionID
PrioritySearchBenchmark.Par. K_ID
Parameter for the number of neighbors.static OptionID
ValidateApproximativeKNNIndex.Par. K_ID
Parameter for the number of neighbors.static OptionID
ValidateApproximativeKNNIndex.Par. PATTERN_ID
Parameter to select query points.static OptionID
KNNBenchmark.Par. QUERY_ID
Parameter for the query dataset.static OptionID
PrioritySearchBenchmark.Par. QUERY_ID
Parameter for the query dataset.static OptionID
RangeQueryBenchmark.Par. QUERY_ID
Parameter for the query data set.static OptionID
ValidateApproximativeKNNIndex.Par. QUERY_ID
Parameter for the query dataset.static OptionID
RangeQueryBenchmark.Par. RADIUS_ID
Parameter for the query radiusstatic OptionID
KNNBenchmark.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for the random generatorstatic OptionID
PrioritySearchBenchmark.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for the random generatorstatic OptionID
RangeQueryBenchmark.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for the random generatorstatic OptionID
ValidateApproximativeKNNIndex.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for the random generator.static OptionID
Parameter for the sampling size.static OptionID
PrioritySearchBenchmark.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter for the sampling size.static OptionID
RangeQueryBenchmark.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter for the sampling size.static OptionID
ValidateApproximativeKNNIndex.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter for the sampling size. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.application.cache
Fields in elki.application.cache declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceInOnDiskMatrix.Par. CACHE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceKNNLists.Par. CACHE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceRangeQueries.Par. CACHE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceInOnDiskMatrix.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceKNNLists.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceRangeQueries.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
PrecomputeDistancesAsciiApplication.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceKNNLists.Par. K_ID
Parameter that specifies the number of neighbors to precompute.static OptionID
CacheDoubleDistanceRangeQueries.Par. RADIUS_ID
Parameter that specifies the query radius to precompute. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.application.experiments
Fields in elki.application.experiments declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. AGGREGATE_ID
Aggregation method.static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. DIM_ID
Dimensionality.static OptionID
ORLibBenchmark.Par. FILE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. FORMAT_ID
Output format.static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. MAXK_ID
Final neighborhood size.static OptionID
VisualizeGeodesicDistances.Par. MODE_ID
Visualization mode.static OptionID
VisualizeGeodesicDistances.Par. RESOLUTION_ID
Image resolution.static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. SAMPLE_ID
Samples size.static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. SEED_ID
Random seed.static OptionID
ORLibBenchmark.Par. SHUFFLE_ID
Random seed for shuffling.static OptionID
EvaluateIntrinsicDimensionalityEstimators.Par. STARTK_ID
Initial neighborhood size.static OptionID
VisualizeGeodesicDistances.Par. STEPS_ID
Number of steps in the distance map. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.application.greedyensemble
Fields in elki.application.greedyensemble declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ComputeKNNOutlierScores.Par. DISABLE_ID
Option ID for disabling methods.static OptionID
GreedyEnsembleExperiment.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Similarity measurestatic OptionID
ComputeKNNOutlierScores.Par. KRANGE_ID
Option ID for k parameter rangestatic OptionID
ComputeKNNOutlierScores.Par. KSQUARE_ID
Option ID with an additional bound on k.static OptionID
EvaluatePrecomputedOutlierScores.Par. NAME_ID
Row name.static OptionID
EvaluatePrecomputedOutlierScores.Par. PARSER_ID
Input parser.static OptionID
GreedyEnsembleExperiment.Par. PRESCALING_ID
Scaling to apply to input scores.static OptionID
GreedyEnsembleExperiment.Par. RATE_ID
Expected rate of outliersstatic OptionID
EvaluatePrecomputedOutlierScores.Par. REVERSED_ID
Pattern for reversed methods.static OptionID
ComputeKNNOutlierScores.Par. SCALING_ID
Option ID for scaling class.static OptionID
GreedyEnsembleExperiment.Par. SCALING_ID
Scaling to apply to ensemble scores.static OptionID
ComputeKNNOutlierScores.Par. TIMELIMIT_ID
Option ID to limit the maximum time for an iterationstatic OptionID
GreedyEnsembleExperiment.Par. VOTING_ID
Ensemble voting function. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.application.statistics
Fields in elki.application.statistics declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
EstimateIntrinsicDimensionality.Par. ESTIMATOR_ID
Estimation methodstatic OptionID
EstimateIntrinsicDimensionality.Par. KRATE_ID
Number of kNN to use for each object.static OptionID
RangeQuerySelectivity.Par. RADIUS_ID
Parameter to specify the query radius.static OptionID
EstimateIntrinsicDimensionality.Par. SAMPLES_ID
Number of samples to draw from the data set.static OptionID
RangeQuerySelectivity.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter to enable sampling.static OptionID
RangeQuerySelectivity.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to control the sampling random seed. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.classification
Fields in elki.classification declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
KNNClassifier.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of neighbors to take into account for classification, must be an integer greater than 0. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering
Fields in elki.clustering declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Distance cutoff parameter.static OptionID
SNNClustering.Par. EPSILON_ID
Parameter to specify the minimum SNN density, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
AbstractProjectedClustering.Par. K_I_ID
Parameter to specify the multiplier for the initial number of seeds, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
AbstractProjectedClustering.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Number of clusters parameterstatic OptionID
NaiveMeanShiftClustering.Par. KERNEL_ID
Parameter for kernel function.static OptionID
AbstractProjectedClustering.Par. L_ID
Parameter to specify the dimensionality of the clusters to find, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
SNNClustering.Par. MINPTS_ID
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-SNN-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
NaiveMeanShiftClustering.Par. RANGE_ID
Parameter for kernel radius/range/bandwidth.static OptionID
BetulaLeafPreClustering.Par. STORE_IDS_ID
Option to store ids rather than reassigning.static OptionID
CanopyPreClustering.Par. T1_ID
Parameter for the inclusion threshold of canopy clustering.static OptionID
CanopyPreClustering.Par. T2_ID
Parameter for the removal threshold of canopy clustering.static OptionID
Option ID of threshold parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.affinitypropagation
Fields in elki.clustering.affinitypropagation declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AffinityPropagation.Par. CONVERGENCE_ID
Parameter for the convergence factor.static OptionID
DistanceBasedInitializationWithMedian.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for the distance function.static OptionID
AffinityPropagation.Par. INITIALIZATION_ID
Parameter for the similarity matrix initializationstatic OptionID
AffinityPropagation.Par. LAMBDA_ID
Parameter for the dampening factor.static OptionID
AffinityPropagation.Par. MAXITER_ID
Parameter for the convergence factor.static OptionID
AffinityPropagationInitialization. QUANTILE_ID
Quantile to use for the diagonal entries.static OptionID
SimilarityBasedInitializationWithMedian.Par. SIMILARITY_ID
Parameter for the similarity function. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.biclustering
Fields in elki.clustering.biclustering declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ChengAndChurch.Par. ALPHA_ID
Parameter for multiple node deletion to accelerate the algorithm.static OptionID
ChengAndChurch.Par. DELTA_ID
Threshold value to determine the maximal acceptable score (mean squared residue) of a bicluster.static OptionID
ChengAndChurch.Par. DIST_ID
Parameter to specify the distribution of replacement values when masking a cluster.static OptionID
ChengAndChurch.Par. N_ID
Number of biclusters to be found.static OptionID
ChengAndChurch.Par. RANDOM_ID
Random source / seed / generator. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.correlation
Fields in elki.clustering.correlation declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Flag to indicate that an adjustment of the applied heuristic for choosing an interval is performed after an interval is selected.static OptionID
The threshold for 'strong' eigenvectors: the 'strong' eigenvectors explain a portion of at least alpha of the total variance.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the factor for reducing the number of current clusters in each iteration, must be an integer greater than 0 and less than 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for approximate linear dependency: the strong eigenvectors of q are approximately linear dependent from the strong eigenvectors p if the following condition holds for all strong eigenvectors q_i of q (lambda_q < lambda_p): q_i' * M^check_p * q_i <= delta^2, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold of a distance between a vector q and a given space that indicates that q adds a new dimension to the space, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum jitter for distance values, must be a double greater than 0.static OptionID
Size for the kNN neighborhood used in the PCA step of COPAC.static OptionID
ERiC.Par. K_ID
Size for the kNN neighborhood used in the PCA step of ERiC.static OptionID
HiCO.Par. K_ID
Optional parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors considered in the PCA, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
FourC.Settings.Par. KAPPA_ID
Parameter Kappa: penalty for deviations in preferred dimensions.static OptionID
FourC.Settings.Par. LAMBDA_ID
Parameter Lambda: maximum dimensionality allowed.static OptionID
Parameter with the maximum dimension to search forstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum level for splitting the hypercube, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the minimum dimensionality of the subspaces to be found, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in a cluster, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter for the minimum cluster sizestatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the smoothing factor, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Random seedingstatic OptionID
Sampling intensity levelstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for the maximum distance between two approximately linear dependent subspaces of two objects p and q (lambda_q < lambda_p) before considering them as parallel, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Global significance threshold -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.dbscan
Fields in elki.clustering.dbscan declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter for the maximum density difference.static OptionID
Flag to keep track of core points.static OptionID
Parameter for core predicate.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered, must be suitable to the distance function specified.static OptionID
Parameter to control the grid width.static OptionID
Parameter for neighborhood size.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter for neighborhood predicate. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.dbscan.parallel
Fields in elki.clustering.dbscan.parallel declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ParallelGeneralizedDBSCAN.Par. COREMODEL_ID
Flag to keep track of core points.static OptionID
ParallelGeneralizedDBSCAN.Par. COREPRED_ID
Parameter for core predicate.static OptionID
Parameter for neighborhood predicate. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.dbscan.predicates
Fields in elki.clustering.dbscan.predicates declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SimilarityNeighborPredicate.Par. EPSILON_ID
Similarity thresholdstatic OptionID
SimilarityNeighborPredicate.Par. SIMILARITY_FUNCTION_ID
Similarity function parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.em
Fields in elki.clustering.em declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter to specify the termination criterion for maximization of E(M): E(M) - E(M') <, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the termination criterion for maximization of E(M): E(M) - E(M') <, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the termination criterion for maximization of E(M): E(M) - E(M') <, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to produce more precise final assignmentsstatic OptionID
BetulaGMM.Par. INIT_ID
Parameter to specify the EM cluster models to use.static OptionID
EM.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find.static OptionID
KDTreeEM.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum number of iterations.static OptionID
Parameter to specify a maximum number of iterationsstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the termination criterion for kd-tree construction.static OptionID
Parameter to specify a minimum number of iterations.static OptionID
Parameter to specify a minimum number of iterationsstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the EM cluster models to use.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the MAP priorstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the MAP priorstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the saving of soft assignmentsstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the saving of soft assignmentsstatic OptionID
drop one class if the maximum weight of a class in the bounding box is lower than tauClass * wmin_max, where wmin_max is the maximum minimum weight of all classesstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the pruning criterion during the algorithm. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.em.models
Fields in elki.clustering.em.models declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
BetulaClusterModelFactory. INIT_ID
Parameter to specify the cluster center initialization.static OptionID
EMClusterModelFactory. INIT_ID
Parameter to specify the cluster center initialization. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.hierarchical
Fields in elki.clustering.hierarchical declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Option ID for linkage parameter.static OptionID
LinearMemoryNNChain.Par. LINKAGE_ID
Linkage to use.static OptionID
Option ID for linkage parameter.static OptionID
OPTICSToHierarchical.Par. OPTICS_ID
Option ID for the OPTICS algorithm.static OptionID
Variant of the algorithm to use -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.hierarchical.birch
Fields in elki.clustering.hierarchical.birch declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Absorption parameter.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. BRANCHING_ID
Branching factor.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Distance function parameter.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. MAXLEAVES_ID
Maximum number of leaves.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. THRESHOLD_ID
Distance threshold. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.hierarchical.extraction
Fields in elki.clustering.hierarchical.extraction declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractCutDendrogram.Par. HIERARCHICAL_ID
Parameter to configure the output mode (nested or truncated clusters).static OptionID
Produce a hierarchical result.static OptionID
ClustersWithNoiseExtraction.Par. K_ID
The number of clusters to extract.static OptionID
CutDendrogramByNumberOfClusters.Par. MINCLUSTERS_ID
The minimum number of clusters to extract.static OptionID
ClustersWithNoiseExtraction.Par. MINCLUSTERSIZE_ID
The minimum size of clusters to extract.static OptionID
The minimum size of clusters to extract.static OptionID
SimplifiedHierarchyExtraction.Par. MINCLUSTERSIZE_ID
The minimum size of clusters to extract.static OptionID
AbstractCutDendrogram.Par. NOSIMPLIFY_ID
Disable the simplification that puts points into merge clusters.static OptionID
CutDendrogramByHeight.Par. THRESHOLD_ID
The threshold level for which to extract the clustering. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage
Fields in elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
FlexibleBetaLinkage.Par. BETA_ID
Lance-Williams flexible beta parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.kcenter
Fields in elki.clustering.kcenter declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
GreedyKCenter.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of clustersstatic OptionID
GreedyKCenter.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for the random seed -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.kmeans
Fields in elki.clustering.kmeans declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Critical value for the Anderson-Darling-Teststatic OptionID
FuzzyCMeans.Par. DELTA_ID
Parameter to specify the termination criterion for maximization of E(M): E(M) - E(M') <, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
OptionID for the distance function.static OptionID
BetulaLloydKMeans.Par. IGNORE_WEIGHT_ID
Ignore cluster weights (naive approach)static OptionID
Quality measure to use for evaluating splits.static OptionID
FuzzyCMeans.Par. INIT_ID
Parameter for k-Means init for initial cluster centersstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the initialization methodstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the kMeans variant.static OptionID
FuzzyCMeans.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
KMeans. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
XMeans.Par. K_MIN_ID
Minimum number of clusters.static OptionID
BestOfMultipleKMeans.Par. KMEANS_ID
Parameter to specify the kMeans variant.static OptionID
BisectingKMeans.Par. KMEANS_ID
Parameter to specify the kMeans variant.static OptionID
KDTreePruningKMeans.Par. LEAFSIZE_ID
Option ID for the leaf size.static OptionID
FuzzyCMeans.Par. M_ID
Parameter to set weight exponentstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer greater or equal to 0, where 0 means no limit.static OptionID
FuzzyCMeans.Par. MINITER_ID
Parameter to specify a minimum number of iterationsstatic OptionID
KMeansMinusMinus.Par. NOISE_FLAG_ID
Flag to produce a "noise" cluster, instead of assigning them to the nearest neighbor.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the variant of quality measure.static OptionID
KMeansMinusMinus.Par. RATE_ID
Parameter to specify the number of neighbors to ignore.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.static OptionID
XMeans.Par. SEED_ID
Randomization seed.static OptionID
FuzzyCMeans.Par. SOFT_ID
Parameter to retain soft assignmentsstatic OptionID
KDTreePruningKMeans.Par. SPLIT_ID
Option ID for the splitting strategy.static OptionID
BetulaLloydKMeans.Par. STORE_IDS_ID
Option to store ids rather than reassigning.static OptionID
YinYangKMeans.Par. T_ID
Parameter to specify t the number of centroid groups.static OptionID
BestOfMultipleKMeans.Par. TRIALS_ID
Parameter to specify the iterations of the bisecting step.static OptionID
Flag to compute the final clustering variance statistic (for methods that employ bounds to avoid computing all distances). -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization
Fields in elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SphericalAFKMC2.Par. ALPHA_ID
Alpha parameter, usually 1.5static OptionID
SphericalKMeansPlusPlus.Par. ALPHA_ID
Alpha parameter, usually 1.5static OptionID
Predefined.Par. INITIAL_MEANS
Option to specify the initial means to use.static OptionID
FarthestPoints.Par. KEEPFIRST_ID
Option ID to control the handling of the first object chosen.static OptionID
SampleKMeans.Par. KMEANS_ID
Parameter to specify the kMeans variant.static OptionID
KMC2.Par. M_ID
Parameter m of the AFK-MC² method.static OptionID
SampleKMeans.Par. SAMPLE_ID
Parameter to specify the sampling rate. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization.betula
Fields in elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization.betula declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
CFKPlusPlusTree.Par. DEPTH_ID
Depth of the trunk based stragegy.static OptionID
Choose the first center based on variance contribution.static OptionID
Choose the first center based on variance contribution.static OptionID
k Means distance.static OptionID
k Means distance.static OptionID
AbstractCFKMeansInitialization.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the random generator seed. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.kmedoids
Fields in elki.clustering.kmedoids declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Tolerance for performing additional swaps.static OptionID
The number of neighbors to explore.static OptionID
Draw independent samples.static OptionID
Draw independent samples.static OptionID
Draw independent samples.static OptionID
The number of samples to run.static OptionID
The number of samples to run.static OptionID
The number of samples to run.static OptionID
Random generator.static OptionID
Random generator.static OptionID
Random generator.static OptionID
Random generator.static OptionID
The number of restarts to run.static OptionID
The sample size.static OptionID
The sample size.static OptionID
The sample size. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.kmedoids.initialization
Fields in elki.clustering.kmedoids.initialization declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AlternateRefinement.Par. INIT_P
Nested inner initialization.static OptionID
KMedoidsKMedoidsInitialization.Par. INNER_ID
Option ID for the nested k-medoids clustering algorithm.static OptionID
AlternateRefinement.Par. MAXITER_P
Maximum number of refinement steps. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.meta
Fields in elki.clustering.meta declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ExternalClustering.Par. FILE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the file to be re-parsed. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.onedimensional
Fields in elki.clustering.onedimensional declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
KNNKernelDensityMinimaClustering.Par. DIM_ID
Dimension to use for clustering.static OptionID
KNNKernelDensityMinimaClustering.Par. K_ID
Number of neighbors for bandwidth estimation.static OptionID
KNNKernelDensityMinimaClustering.Par. KERNEL_ID
Kernel function.static OptionID
KNNKernelDensityMinimaClustering.Par. MODE_ID
KDE mode.static OptionID
KNNKernelDensityMinimaClustering.Par. WINDOW_ID
Half window width to find local minima. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.optics
Fields in elki.clustering.optics declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered, must be suitable to the distance function specified.static OptionID
Parameter to keep the steep areasstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points within a cluster, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter to disable the correction function.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the steepness threshold.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the actual OPTICS algorithm to use. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.subspace
Fields in elki.clustering.subspace declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Relative density threshold parameter Alpha.static OptionID
The maximum absolute variance along a coordinate axis.static OptionID
Parameter for the chi squared test threshold.static OptionID
Balancing parameter for importance of points vs. dimensionsstatic OptionID
Stopping threshold for FastDOC.static OptionID
PreDeCon.Settings.Par. DELTA_ID
Parameter Delta: maximum variance allowedstatic OptionID
The distance function to determine the distance between objects.static OptionID
Threshold when to stop EM iterations.static OptionID
A comma separated list of positive doubles specifying the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered in each dimension for determination of the preference vector (default isDiSH.Par.DEFAULT_EPSILON
in each dimension).static OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum distance between two vectors with equal preference vectors before considering them as parallel, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
Maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered.static OptionID
HiSC.Par. K_ID
The number of nearest neighbors considered to determine the preference vector.static OptionID
PreDeCon.Settings.Par. KAPPA_ID
Parameter Kappa: penalty for deviations in preferred dimensions.static OptionID
PreDeCon.Settings.Par. LAMBDA_ID
Parameter Lambda: maximum dimensionality allowed.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the multiplier for the initial number of medoids, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Maximum number of iterations for the EM step.static OptionID
Minimum cluster size for noise flagging.static OptionID
Minimum dimensionality to generate clusters.static OptionID
Positive threshold for minimum numbers of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a points.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter that specifies the a minimum number of points as a smoothing factor to avoid the single-link-effect, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Parameter for the poisson test threshold.static OptionID
Flag to indicate that only subspaces with large coverage (i.e. the fraction of the database that is covered by the dense units) are selected, the rest will be pruned.static OptionID
Random seeding parameter.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.static OptionID
The strategy for determination of the preference vector, available strategies are:DiSH.Strategy.APRIORI
.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the density threshold for the selectivity of a unit, where the selectivity is the fraction of total feature vectors contained in this unit, must be a double greater than 0 and less than 1.static OptionID
Half width parameter.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of intervals (units) in each dimension, must be an integer greater than 0. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.svm
Fields in elki.clustering.svm declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SupportVectorClustering.Par. C_ID
SVM C parameterstatic OptionID
SupportVectorClustering.Par. KERNEL_ID
Parameter for kernel function. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.trivial
Fields in elki.clustering.trivial declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ByLabelClustering.Par. MULTIPLE_ID
Flag to indicate that multiple cluster assignment is possible.static OptionID
ByLabelClustering.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter to specify the pattern to recognize noise clusters by.static OptionID
ByModelClustering.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter to specify the pattern to recognize noise clusters with. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.clustering.uncertain
Fields in elki.clustering.uncertain declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. ALGORITHM_ID
Parameter to hand an algorithm to be wrapped and run to our instance ofRepresentativeUncertainClustering
.static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. ALPHA_ID
Alpha parameter for confidence estimation.static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. CLUSTERDISTANCE_ID
Distance function to measure the similarity of clusterings.static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. KEEP_SAMPLES_ID
Flag to keep all samples.static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. META_ALGORITHM_ID
Parameter to hand an algorithm for creating the meta-clustering to our instance ofRepresentativeUncertainClustering
.static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter to specify the random generator.static OptionID
FDBSCANNeighborPredicate.Par. SAMPLE_SIZE_ID
Number of samples per uncertain object.static OptionID
RepresentativeUncertainClustering.Par. SAMPLES_ID
Parameter to specify the amount of clusterings that shall be created and compared.static OptionID
FDBSCANNeighborPredicate.Par. SEED_ID
Seed for random sample draw.static OptionID
FDBSCANNeighborPredicate.Par. THRESHOLD_ID
Threshold for epsilon-neighborhood, defaults to 0.5. -
Uses of OptionID in
Fields in declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
RandomProjection.Par. DIMENSIONALITY_ID
Parameter for the desired output dimensionality.static OptionID
RandomProjection.Par. FAMILY_ID
Parameter for the projection family.static OptionID
Selected attributes parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in
Fields in declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractRandomProjectionFamily.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for the random generator.static OptionID
AchlioptasRandomProjectionFamily.Par. SPARSITY_ID
Parameter for the projection sparsity. -
Uses of OptionID in
Fields in declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SimpleGaussianUncertainifier.Par. DEV_MAX_ID
Parameter for maximum 3-sigma deviation.static OptionID
UniformUncertainifier.Par. DEV_MAX_ID
Maximum deviation of the generated bounding box.static OptionID
SimpleGaussianUncertainifier.Par. DEV_MIN_ID
Parameter for minimum 3-sigma deviation.static OptionID
UniformUncertainifier.Par. DEV_MIN_ID
Minimum deviation of the generated bounding box.static OptionID
AbstractDiscreteUncertainifier.Par. INNER_ID
Class to use for generating the uncertain instances.static OptionID
AbstractDiscreteUncertainifier.Par. MULT_MAX_ID
Maximum quantity of generated samples.static OptionID
AbstractDiscreteUncertainifier.Par. MULT_MIN_ID
Minimum quantity of generated samples.static OptionID
Uncertainifier. SYMMETRIC_ID
Shared parameter: to force centering the uncertain region on the exact vector. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.database
Fields in elki.database declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Option to specify the data source for the database.static OptionID
AbstractDatabase.Par. INDEX_ID
Parameter to specify the indexes to use. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource
Fields in elki.datasource declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description private static OptionID
BundleDatabaseConnection.Par. BUNDLE_ID
Option ID for the bundle parameter.static OptionID
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.Par. CONFIGFILE_ID
Parameter to give the configuration filestatic OptionID
DBIDRangeDatabaseConnection.Par. COUNT_ID
Parameter for number of IDs to generatestatic OptionID
RandomDoubleVectorDatabaseConnection.Par. DIM_ID
Database to specify the random vector dimensionality.static OptionID
AbstractDatabaseConnection.Par. FILTERS_ID
Filters to apply to the input data.static OptionID
ConcatenateFilesDatabaseConnection.Par. INPUT_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the input files to be parsed.static OptionID
FileBasedDatabaseConnection.Par. INPUT_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the input file to be parsed.static OptionID
AbstractDatabaseConnection.Par. PARSER_ID
Parameter to specify the parser to provide a database.static OptionID
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.Par. RANDOMSEED_ID
Parameter to give the configuration filestatic OptionID
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.Par. REASSIGN_DISTANCE_ID
Reassign by cluster distancestatic OptionID
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.Par. REASSIGN_ID
Parameter for cluster reassignmentstatic OptionID
RandomDoubleVectorDatabaseConnection.Par. SEED_ID
Random generator seed.static OptionID
RandomDoubleVectorDatabaseConnection.Par. SIZE_ID
Parameter to specify the database size to generate.static OptionID
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.Par. SIZE_SCALE_ID
Parameter to give the configuration filestatic OptionID
ExternalIDJoinDatabaseConnection.Par. SOURCES_ID
The static option IDstatic OptionID
LabelJoinDatabaseConnection.Par. SOURCES_ID
The static option IDstatic OptionID
PresortedBlindJoinDatabaseConnection.Par. SOURCES_ID
The static option IDstatic OptionID
DBIDRangeDatabaseConnection.Par. START_ID
Parameter for starting ID to generatestatic OptionID
InputStreamDatabaseConnection.Par. STREAM_ID
Input stream to read. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.filter
Fields in elki.datasource.filter declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
FixedDBIDsFilter.Par. IDSTART_ID
Optional parameter to specify the first object ID to use. -
Uses of OptionID in
Fields in declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
VectorDimensionalityFilter.Par. DIM_P
Parameter for specifying the dimensionality.static OptionID
ReplaceNaNWithRandomFilter.Par. RANDOM_ID
Random sourcestatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the distribution to sample replacement values from. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.filter.normalization.columnwise
Fields in elki.datasource.filter.normalization.columnwise declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AttributeWiseBetaNormalization.Par. ALPHA_ID
Shape parameter.static OptionID
AttributeWiseBetaNormalization.Par. DISTRIBUTIONS_ID
Parameter for distribution estimators.static OptionID
AttributeWiseCDFNormalization.Par. DISTRIBUTIONS_ID
Parameter for distribution estimators.static OptionID
AttributeWiseMinMaxNormalization.Par. MAXIMA_ID
Parameter for maximum.static OptionID
AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization.Par. MEAN_ID
Parameter for means.static OptionID
AttributeWiseMinMaxNormalization.Par. MINIMA_ID
Parameter for minimum.static OptionID
AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization.Par. STDDEV_ID
Parameter for stddevs. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.filter.normalization.instancewise
Fields in elki.datasource.filter.normalization.instancewise declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Log1PlusNormalization.Par. BOOST_ID
Boosting factor parameter.static OptionID
InstanceMinMaxNormalization.Par. MAX_ID
Option ID for maximum value.static OptionID
InstanceMinMaxNormalization.Par. MIN_ID
Option ID for minimum value.static OptionID
LengthNormalization.Par. NORM_ID
Option ID for normalization norm. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.filter.selection
Fields in elki.datasource.filter.selection declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter that specifies the filter pattern (regular expression).static OptionID
Flag to use the pattern in inverted modestatic OptionID
RandomSamplingStreamFilter.Par. PROB_ID
Option ID for sampling probabilitystatic OptionID
RandomSamplingStreamFilter.Par. SEED_ID
Option ID for random seedstatic OptionID
ShuffleObjectsFilter.Par. SEED_ID
Optional parameter to specify a seed for randomly shuffling the rows of the database.static OptionID
FirstNStreamFilter.Par. SIZE_ID
Option ID for the sample size -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.filter.transform
Fields in elki.datasource.filter.transform declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Par. DIM_ID
Desired dimensionality.static OptionID
ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Distant metric.static OptionID
GlobalPrincipalComponentAnalysisTransform.Par. FILTER_ID
To specify the eigenvectors to keep.static OptionID
HistogramJitterFilter.Par. JITTER_ID
Option ID for the jitter strength.static OptionID
PerturbationFilter.Par. MAXIMA_ID
Parameter for maximum.static OptionID
PerturbationFilter.Par. MINIMA_ID
Parameter for minimum.static OptionID
GlobalPrincipalComponentAnalysisTransform.Par. MODE_ID
Mode control.static OptionID
PerturbationFilter.Par. NOISEDISTRIBUTION_ID
Parameter for selecting the noise distribution.static OptionID
NumberVectorRandomFeatureSelectionFilter.Par. NUMBER_SELECTED_ATTRIBUTES_ID
Parameter for the desired cardinality of the subset of attributes selected for projection.static OptionID
AbstractSupervisedProjectionVectorFilter.Par. P_ID
The number of dimensions to keep.static OptionID
PerturbationFilter.Par. PERCENTAGE_ID
Optional parameter to specify a percentage of the standard deviation of the random Gaussian noise generation, given the standard deviation of the corresponding attribute in the original data distribution (assuming a Gaussian there).static OptionID
ProjectionFilter.Par. PROJ_ID
Parameter to specify the projection to usestatic OptionID
FastMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Par. RANDOM_ID
Random seed generator.static OptionID
PerturbationFilter.Par. SCALINGREFERENCE_ID
Parameter for selecting scaling reference.static OptionID
HistogramJitterFilter.Par. SEED_ID
Option ID for the jitter random seed.static OptionID
NumberVectorRandomFeatureSelectionFilter.Par. SEED_ID
Optional parameter to specify a seed for random projection.static OptionID
PerturbationFilter.Par. SEED_ID
Optional parameter to specify a seed for random Gaussian noise generation.static OptionID
NumberVectorFeatureSelectionFilter.Par. SELECTED_ATTRIBUTES_ID
Selected attributes parameter.static OptionID
ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Par. VECTOR_TYPE_ID
Parameter to specify the type of vectors to produce. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions
Fields in elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ClassLabelFilter.Par. CLASS_LABEL_CLASS_ID
Parameter to specify the class of occurring class labels.static OptionID
ClassLabelFilter.Par. CLASS_LABEL_INDEX_ID
Optional parameter that specifies the index of the label to be used as class label, must be an integer equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
UncertainSplitFilter.Par. DIM_ID
Parameter for specifying the number of dimensions of the sample.static OptionID
WeightedUncertainSplitFilter.Par. DIM_ID
Parameter for specifying the number of dimensions of the sample.static OptionID
Parameter that specifies the index of the label to be used as external Id, starting at 0.static OptionID
UncertainifyFilter.Par. KEEP_ID
Flag to keep the original data.static OptionID
ClassLabelFromPatternFilter.Par. NEGATIVE_ID
Class label to assign to negative instances.static OptionID
ClassLabelFromPatternFilter.Par. PATTERN_ID
Pattern for recognizing positive objects.static OptionID
ClassLabelFromPatternFilter.Par. POSITIVE_ID
Class label to assign to positive instances.static OptionID
WeightedUncertainSplitFilter.Par. PROBCOL_ID
Parameter to specify where the probability is stored.static OptionID
UncertainifyFilter.Par. SEED_ID
Seed for random generation.static OptionID
SplitNumberVectorFilter.Par. SELECTED_ATTRIBUTES_ID
The parameter listing the split dimensions.static OptionID
UncertainifyFilter.Par. UNCERTAINITY_MODEL_ID
Parameter to specify the uncertainityModel used for the uncertainification.static OptionID
MultivariateTimeSeriesFilter.Par. VARIATES_ID
Parameter for specifying the number of variates of this series. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.datasource.parser
Fields in elki.datasource.parser declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
OptionID for the column separator parameter (defaults to whitespace as inCSVReaderFormat.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR
.static OptionID
CSVReaderFormat.Par. COMMENT_ID
Comment pattern.static OptionID
NumberVectorLabelParser.Par. LABEL_INDICES_ID
A comma separated list of the indices of labels (may be numeric), counting whitespace separated entries in a line starting with 0.static OptionID
ArffParser.Par. MAGIC_CLASS_ID
Pattern for recognizing class label attributes.static OptionID
ArffParser.Par. MAGIC_EID_ID
Pattern for recognizing external ID attributes.static OptionID
TermFrequencyParser.Par. NORMALIZE_FLAG
Option ID for normalization.static OptionID
CSVReaderFormat.Par. QUOTE_ID
OptionID for the quote character parameter (defaults to a double quotation mark as inCSVReaderFormat.QUOTE_CHARS
.static OptionID
StringParser.Par. TRIM_ID
Flag to trim whitespace.static OptionID
NumberVectorLabelParser.Par. VECTOR_TYPE_ID
Parameter to specify the type of vectors to produce. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance
Fields in elki.distance declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
IndexBasedDistance. INDEX_ID
OptionID for the index parameterstatic OptionID
WeightedNumberVectorDistance. WEIGHTS_ID
Parameter to set the weights of the weighted distance function. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.adapter
Fields in elki.distance.adapter declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractSimilarityAdapter.Par. SIMILARITY_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to specify the similarity function to derive the distance between database objects from. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.colorhistogram
Fields in elki.distance.colorhistogram declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
HSBHistogramQuadraticDistance.Par. BPP_ID
Parameter for the kernel dimensionality.static OptionID
RGBHistogramQuadraticDistance.Par. BPP_ID
Parameter for the kernel dimensionality. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.external
Fields in elki.distance.external declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
FileBasedSparseDoubleDistance.Par. DEFAULTDIST_ID
Optional parameter to specify the distance to return when no distance was given in the file.static OptionID
FileBasedSparseFloatDistance.Par. DEFAULTDIST_ID
Optional parameter to specify the distance to return when no distance was given in the file.static OptionID
DiskCacheBasedDoubleDistance.Par. MATRIX_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.static OptionID
DiskCacheBasedFloatDistance.Par. MATRIX_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.static OptionID
FileBasedSparseDoubleDistance.Par. MATRIX_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.static OptionID
FileBasedSparseFloatDistance.Par. MATRIX_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.static OptionID
FileBasedSparseDoubleDistance.Par. PARSER_ID
Optional parameter to specify the parsers to provide a database, must extendDistanceParser
.static OptionID
FileBasedSparseFloatDistance.Par. PARSER_ID
Optional parameter to specify the parsers to provide a database, must extendDistanceParser
. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.geo
Fields in elki.distance.geo declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
DimensionSelectingLatLngDistance.Par. LATDIM_ID
Latitude dimension parameter.static OptionID
DimensionSelectingLatLngDistance.Par. LNGDIM_ID
Longitude dimension parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.minkowski
Fields in elki.distance.minkowski declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
LPNormDistance.Par. P_ID
OptionID for the "p" parameter -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.subspace
Fields in elki.distance.subspace declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
OnedimensionalDistance.Par. DIM_ID
Parameter for dimensionality.static OptionID
AbstractDimensionsSelectingDistance.Par. DIMS_ID
Dimensions parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.distance.timeseries
Fields in elki.distance.timeseries declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractEditDistance.Par. BANDSIZE_ID
Bandsize parameter.static OptionID
EDRDistance.Par. DELTA_ID
DELTA parameterstatic OptionID
ERPDistance.Par. G_ID
G parameterstatic OptionID
PDELTA parameterstatic OptionID
PEPSILON parameter -
Uses of OptionID in elki.evaluation.classification.holdout
Fields in elki.evaluation.classification.holdout declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
DisjointCrossValidation.Par. NFOLD_ID
Parameter for number of folds.static OptionID
RandomizedCrossValidation.Par. NFOLD_ID
Parameter for number of folds.static OptionID
StratifiedCrossValidation.Par. NFOLD_ID
Parameter for number of folds.static OptionID
RandomizedHoldout.Par. SEED_ID
Random seeding for holdout evaluation. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.evaluation.clustering
Fields in elki.evaluation.clustering declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
EvaluateClustering.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter flag for special noise handling.static OptionID
EvaluateClustering.Par. REFERENCE_ID
Parameter to obtain the reference clustering.static OptionID
EvaluateClustering.Par. SELFPAIR_ID
Parameter flag to disable self-pairing -
Uses of OptionID in elki.evaluation.clustering.internal
Fields in elki.evaluation.clustering.internal declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
ClusterRadius.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
ConcordantPairsGammaTau.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
DaviesBouldinIndex.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
Silhouette.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
SquaredErrors.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for choosing the distance function.static OptionID
Silhouette.Par. NO_PENALIZE_ID
Do not penalize ignored noise.static OptionID
VarianceRatioCriterion.Par. NO_PENALIZE_ID
Do not penalize ignored noise.static OptionID
CIndex.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter for the option, how noise should be treated.static OptionID
ClusterRadius.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter to treat noise as a single cluster.static OptionID
ConcordantPairsGammaTau.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter for the option, how noise should be treated.static OptionID
DaviesBouldinIndex.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter for the option, how noise should be treated.static OptionID
Parameter for the option, how noise should be treated.static OptionID
Silhouette.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter to treat noise as a single cluster.static OptionID
SquaredErrors.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter to treat noise as a single cluster.static OptionID
VarianceRatioCriterion.Par. NOISE_ID
Parameter for the option, how noise should be treated.static OptionID
DaviesBouldinIndex.Par. POWER_ID
Power exponent p. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.evaluation.outlier
Fields in elki.evaluation.outlier declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ComputeOutlierHistogram.Par. BINS_ID
number of bins for the histogramstatic OptionID
OutlierPrecisionAtKCurve.Par. MAX_K_ID
Maximum value for kstatic OptionID
ComputeOutlierHistogram.Par. POSITIVE_CLASS_NAME_ID
The object pattern to identify positive classesstatic OptionID
JudgeOutlierScores.Par. POSITIVE_CLASS_NAME_ID
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between database objects.static OptionID
OutlierPrecisionAtKCurve.Par. POSITIVE_CLASS_NAME_ID
The pattern to identify positive classes.static OptionID
OutlierPrecisionRecallCurve.Par. POSITIVE_CLASS_NAME_ID
The pattern to identify positive classes.static OptionID
OutlierPrecisionRecallGainCurve.Par. POSITIVE_CLASS_NAME_ID
The pattern to identify positive classes.static OptionID
OutlierRankingEvaluation.Par. POSITIVE_CLASS_NAME_ID
The pattern to identify positive classes.static OptionID
The pattern to identify positive classes.static OptionID
ComputeOutlierHistogram.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.static OptionID
JudgeOutlierScores.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.static OptionID
OutlierThresholdClustering.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.static OptionID
ComputeOutlierHistogram.Par. SPLITFREQ_ID
Flag to count frequencies of outliers and non-outliers separatelystatic OptionID
OutlierThresholdClustering.Par. THRESHOLD_ID
Parameter to specify the threshold -
Uses of OptionID in elki.evaluation.scores
Fields in elki.evaluation.scores declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PrecisionAtKEvaluation.Par. K_ID
Option ID for the k parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.evaluation.similaritymatrix
Fields in elki.evaluation.similaritymatrix declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ComputeSimilarityMatrixImage.Par. SCALING_ID
OptionID for the scaling function to usestatic OptionID
ComputeSimilarityMatrixImage.Par. SKIPZERO_ID
OptionID to skip zero values when plotting to increase contrast. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.gui.util
Fields in elki.gui.util declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description protected static OptionID
OptionID for unrecognized options. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index
Fields in elki.index declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PagedIndexFactory.Par. PAGEFILE_ID
Optional parameter that specifies the factory type of pagefile to use for the index. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.distancematrix
Fields in elki.index.distancematrix declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PrecomputedDistanceMatrix.Factory.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Option parameter for the precomputed distance matrix.static OptionID
PrecomputedSimilarityMatrix.Factory.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Option parameter for the precomputed similarity matrix. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.idistance
Fields in elki.index.idistance declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
InMemoryIDistanceIndex.Factory.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Parameter for the distance functionstatic OptionID
InMemoryIDistanceIndex.Factory.Par. K_ID
Number of reference points.static OptionID
InMemoryIDistanceIndex.Factory.Par. REFERENCE_ID
Initialization method. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.laesa
Fields in elki.index.laesa declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Distance function to use in the indexstatic OptionID
LAESA.Factory.Par. K_ID
Condition parameter.static OptionID
LAESA.Factory.Par. M_ID
Number of reference points to choose.static OptionID
LAESA.Factory.Par. SEED_ID
Random generator to use -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.lsh
Fields in elki.index.lsh declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
InMemoryLSHIndex.Par. BUCKETS_ID
Number of hash tables to use for LSH.static OptionID
InMemoryLSHIndex.Par. FAMILY_ID
Hash function family parameter.static OptionID
InMemoryLSHIndex.Par. L_ID
Number of hash tables to use for LSH. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.lsh.hashfamilies
Fields in elki.index.lsh.hashfamilies declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractProjectedHashFunctionFamily.Par. NUMPROJ_ID
Number of projections to use in each hash function.static OptionID
CosineHashFunctionFamily.Par. NUMPROJ_ID
Number of projections to use in each hash function.static OptionID
AbstractProjectedHashFunctionFamily.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for fixing the random seed.static OptionID
CosineHashFunctionFamily.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for fixing the random seed.static OptionID
AbstractProjectedHashFunctionFamily.Par. WIDTH_ID
Parameter for choosing the bin width. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.preprocessed.fastoptics
Fields in elki.index.preprocessed.fastoptics declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
RandomProjectedNeighborsAndDensities.Par. RANDOM_ID
Random seed parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.preprocessed.knn
Fields in elki.index.preprocessed.knn declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
CachedDoubleDistanceKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. CACHE_ID
Option ID for the kNN file.static OptionID
SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. CURVES_ID
Parameter for choosing the space filling curves to use.static OptionID
SpacefillingMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. CURVES_ID
Parameter for choosing the space filling curves to use.static OptionID
NNDescent.Factory.Par. DELTA_ID
Early termination parameter.static OptionID
SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. DIM_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of dimensions to use for each curve.static OptionID
AbstractMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory. DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to indicate the distance function to be used to ascertain the nearest neighbors.static OptionID
NNDescent.Factory.Par. INITIAL_ID
Whether to initialize neighbors with sampled neighbors.static OptionID
NNDescent.Factory.Par. ITER_ID
maximum number of iterationsstatic OptionID
AbstractMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be materialized. must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
PartitionApproximationMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. PARTITIONS_ID
Parameter to specify the number of partitions to use for materializing the kNN.static OptionID
NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. PROJECTION_ID
Parameter for choosing the random projections.static OptionID
SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. PROJECTION_ID
Parameter for choosing the random projections.static OptionID
NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. PROJECTIONS_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of projections to use.static OptionID
NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of variants to use.static OptionID
SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of variants to use.static OptionID
SpacefillingMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of variants to use.static OptionID
NNDescent.Factory.Par. RHO_ID
Sample rate.static OptionID
NNDescent.Factory.Par. SEED_ID
Random number generator seed.static OptionID
PartitionApproximationMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the random number generator.static OptionID
RandomSampleKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. SEED_ID
Random number generator seed.static OptionID
RandomSampleKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. SHARE_ID
Share of objects to consider for computing the kNN.static OptionID
SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. VARIANTS_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of variants to use.static OptionID
SpacefillingMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. VARIANTS_ID
Parameter for choosing the number of variants to use.static OptionID
NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. WINDOW_ID
Parameter for setting the widows size multiplicator.static OptionID
SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. WINDOW_ID
Parameter for setting the widows size multiplicator.static OptionID
SpacefillingMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par. WINDOW_ID
Parameter for setting the widows size multiplicator. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.preprocessed.snn
Fields in elki.index.preprocessed.snn declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SharedNearestNeighborPreprocessor.Factory. DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to indicate the distance function to be used to ascertain the nearest neighbors.static OptionID
SharedNearestNeighborPreprocessor.Factory. NUMBER_OF_NEIGHBORS_ID
Parameter to indicate the number of neighbors to be taken into account for the shared-nearest-neighbor similarity. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.projected
Fields in elki.index.projected declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ProjectedIndex.Factory.Par. DISABLE_REFINE_FLAG
Option ID for disabling refinement.static OptionID
Neighborhood size.static OptionID
ProjectedIndex.Factory.Par. INDEX_ID
Option ID for the inner index to use.static OptionID
ProjectedIndex.Factory.Par. K_MULTIPLIER_ID
Option ID for querying a larger k.static OptionID
ProjectedIndex.Factory.Par. MATERIALIZE_FLAG
Option ID for materialization.static OptionID
ProjectedIndex.Factory.Par. PROJ_ID
Option ID for the projection to use.static OptionID
Random generator.static OptionID
Sparsity option.static OptionID
Target dimensionality. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.betula
Fields in elki.index.tree.betula declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Absorption parameter.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. BRANCHING_ID
Branching factor.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. DISTANCE_ID
Distance function parameter.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. FEATURES_ID
Cluster features parameter.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. MAXLEAVES_ID
Maximum number of leaves.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. SPLIT_ID
Option ID for threshold heuristic.static OptionID
CFTree.Factory.Par. THRESHOLD_ID
Distance threshold. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.covertree
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.covertree declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractCoverTree.Factory.Par. DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance between database objects, must extendDistance
.static OptionID
AbstractCoverTree.Factory.Par. EXPANSION_ID
Expansion rate of the tree (going upward).static OptionID
AbstractCoverTree.Factory.Par. TRUNCATE_ID
Truncate branches when they have less than this number of instances. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractMTreeFactory.Par. DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance between database objects, must extendDistance
.static OptionID
AbstractMTreeFactory.Par. INSERT_STRATEGY_ID
Parameter to specify the insertion strategy to construct the tree.static OptionID
AbstractMTreeFactory.Par. SPLIT_STRATEGY_ID
Parameter to specify the splitting strategy to construct the tree. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractMkTreeUnifiedFactory.Par. K_MAX_ID
Parameter specifying the maximal number k of reverse k nearest neighbors to be supported, must be an integer greater than 0. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
MkAppTreeFactory.Par. K_ID
Parameter for kstatic OptionID
MkAppTreeFactory.Par. NOLOG_ID
Parameter for nologstatic OptionID
MkAppTreeFactory.Par. P_ID
Parameter for p -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
MkCopTreeFactory.Par. K_ID
Parameter for k -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.strategies.split
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.strategies.split declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractMTreeSplit.Par. DISTRIBUTOR_ID
Distribution strategy parameter.static OptionID
RandomSplit.Par. RANDOM_ID
Option ID for the random generator. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.metrical.vptree
Fields in elki.index.tree.metrical.vptree declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance between database objects, must extendDistance
.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance between database objects, must extendDistance
.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the sample size for choosing vantage pointstatic OptionID
VPTree.Factory.Par. SAMPLE_SIZE_ID
Parameter to specify the sample size for choosing vantage pointstatic OptionID
GNAT.Factory.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the random generator seedstatic OptionID
VPTree.Factory.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the rnd generator seedstatic OptionID
VPTree.Factory.Par. TRUNCATE_ID
Parameter to specify the minimum leaf size -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.kd
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.kd declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
MemoryKDTree.Factory.Par. LEAFSIZE_P
Option for setting the maximum leaf size.static OptionID
MinimalisticMemoryKDTree.Factory.Par. LEAFSIZE_P
Option for setting the maximum leaf size.static OptionID
SmallMemoryKDTree.Factory.Par. LEAFSIZE_P
Option for setting the maximum leaf size.static OptionID
MemoryKDTree.Factory.Par. SPLIT_P
Option for setting the maximum leaf size. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractRStarTreeFactory.Par. BULK_SPLIT_ID
Parameter for bulk strategystatic OptionID
AbstractRStarTreeFactory.Par. INSERTION_STRATEGY_ID
Fast-insertion parameter.static OptionID
AbstractRStarTreeFactory.Par. MINIMUM_FILL_ID
Parameter for the relative minimum fill.static OptionID
AbstractRStarTreeFactory.Par. OVERFLOW_STRATEGY_ID
Overflow treatment.static OptionID
AbstractRStarTreeFactory.Par. SPLIT_STRATEGY_ID
Split strategy parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.rdknn
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.rdknn declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter for distance functionstatic OptionID
RdKNNTreeFactory. K_ID
Parameter for k -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.bulk
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.bulk declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SpatialSortBulkSplit.Par. SORTER_ID
Option ID for spatial sorting -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.insert
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.insert declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
CombinedInsertionStrategy.Par. DIR_STRATEGY_ID
Insertion strategy for directory nodes.static OptionID
ApproximativeLeastOverlapInsertionStrategy.Par. INSERTION_CANDIDATES_ID
Fast-insertion parameter.static OptionID
CombinedInsertionStrategy.Par. LEAF_STRATEGY_ID
Insertion strategy for leaf nodes. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.overflow
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.overflow declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
LimitedReinsertOverflowTreatment.Par. REINSERT_STRATEGY_ID
Fast-insertion parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.reinsert
Fields in elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.strategies.reinsert declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractPartialReinsert.Par. REINSERT_AMOUNT_ID
Reinsertion sharestatic OptionID
AbstractPartialReinsert.Par. REINSERT_DISTANCE_ID
Reinsertion share -
Uses of OptionID in elki.index.vafile
Fields in elki.index.vafile declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PartialVAFile.Factory. PARTITIONS_ID
Number of partitions to use in each dimension.static OptionID
Number of partitions to use in each dimension. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.itemsetmining
Fields in elki.itemsetmining declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractFrequentItemsetAlgorithm.Par. MAXLENGTH_ID
Parameter to specify the maximum itemset length.static OptionID
AbstractFrequentItemsetAlgorithm.Par. MINLENGTH_ID
Parameter to specify the minimum itemset length.static OptionID
AbstractFrequentItemsetAlgorithm.Par. MINSUPP_ID
Parameter to specify the minimum support, in absolute or relative terms. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.itemsetmining.associationrules
Fields in elki.itemsetmining.associationrules declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AssociationRuleGeneration.Par. FREQUENTITEMALGO_ID
Parameter to specify the frequentItemsetAlgorithm to be used.static OptionID
AssociationRuleGeneration.Par. INTERESTMEASURE_ID
Parameter to specify the interestingness measure to be used.static OptionID
AssociationRuleGeneration.Par. MAXMEASURE_ID
Parameter to specify the maximum threshold for the interestingness measure.static OptionID
AssociationRuleGeneration.Par. MINMEASURE_ID
Parameter to specify the minimum threshold for the interestingness measure. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.geodesy
Fields in elki.math.geodesy declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
EarthModel. MODEL_ID
Parameter to choose the earth model to use. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca
Fields in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
RANSACCovarianceMatrixBuilder.Par. ITER_ID
Number of iterations.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the class to compute the covariance matrix, must be a subclass ofCovarianceMatrixBuilder
.static OptionID
Parameter for filtering eigenvectors.static OptionID
Parameter for the PCA variant to use.static OptionID
RANSACCovarianceMatrixBuilder.Par. SEED_ID
Random seedstatic OptionID
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.Par. WEIGHT_ID
Parameter to specify the weight function to use in weighted PCA. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter
Fields in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PercentageEigenPairFilter.Par. ALPHA_ID
The threshold for 'strong' eigenvectors: the 'strong' eigenvectors explain a portion of at least alpha of the total variance.static OptionID
"absolute" Flagstatic OptionID
Parameter deltastatic OptionID
FirstNEigenPairFilter.Par. EIGENPAIR_FILTER_N
Parameter nstatic OptionID
ProgressiveEigenPairFilter.Par. EIGENPAIR_FILTER_PALPHA
Parameter progressive alpha.static OptionID
RelativeEigenPairFilter.Par. EIGENPAIR_FILTER_RALPHA
Parameter relative alpha.static OptionID
OptionID for the weak alpha value ofWeakEigenPairFilter
, andSignificantEigenPairFilter
static OptionID
Parameter to specify the filter for determination of the strong and weak eigenvectors, must be a subclass ofEigenPairFilter
. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.statistics.dependence
Fields in elki.math.statistics.dependence declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
HiCSDependence.Par. ALPHA_ID
Parameter that determines the size of the test statistic during the Monte-Carlo iteration.static OptionID
MCDEDependence.Par. ALPHA_ID
Parameter that specifies the size of the slicestatic OptionID
MCDEDependence.Par. BETA_ID
Parameter that specifies the size of the marginal restriction.static OptionID
HiCSDependence.Par. M_ID
Parameter that specifies the number of iterations in the Monte-Carlo process of identifying high contrast subspaces.static OptionID
MCDEDependence.Par. M_ID
Parameter that specifies the number of iterations in the Monte-Carlo process of identifying high contrast subspaces.static OptionID
HiCSDependence.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter that specifies the random seed.static OptionID
MCDEDependence.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter that specifies the random seed.static OptionID
HiCSDependence.Par. TEST_ID
Parameter that specifies which statistical test to use in order to calculate the deviation of two given data samples.static OptionID
MCDEDependence.Par. TEST_ID
Parameter that specifies which MCDE statistical test to use in order to calculate the contrast between the instances in the slice vs out of slice. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.statistics.distribution
Fields in elki.math.statistics.distribution declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
BetaDistribution.Par. ALPHA_ID
Alpha parameter.static OptionID
BetaDistribution.Par. BETA_ID
Beta parameter.static OptionID
ConstantDistribution.Par. CONSTANT_ID
Constant value parameterstatic OptionID
ChiDistribution.Par. DOF_ID
Degrees of freedom parameter - same asChiSquaredDistribution.Par.DOF_ID
.static OptionID
ChiSquaredDistribution.Par. DOF_ID
Degrees of freedom parameter.static OptionID
ExpGammaDistribution.Par. K_ID
k parameter, same asGammaDistribution.Par.K_ID
.static OptionID
GammaDistribution.Par. K_ID
K parameter.static OptionID
Distribution.Parameterizer. LOCATION_ID
Location parameter.static OptionID
LogNormalDistribution.Par. LOGMEAN_ID
LogMean parameterstatic OptionID
LogNormalDistribution.Par. LOGSTDDEV_ID
LogScale parameterstatic OptionID
UniformDistribution.Par. MAX_ID
Maximum valuestatic OptionID
UniformDistribution.Par. MIN_ID
Minimum valuestatic OptionID
PoissonDistribution.Par. N_ID
Number of trials.static OptionID
StudentsTDistribution.Par. NU_ID
Degrees of freedom.static OptionID
PoissonDistribution.Par. PROB_ID
Success probability.static OptionID
HaltonUniformDistribution.Par. RANDOM_ID
Generator for random distribution parametersstatic OptionID
ExponentialDistribution.Par. RATE_ID
Shape parameter gamma.static OptionID
ExponentiallyModifiedGaussianDistribution.Par. RATE_ID
Rate option, same asExponentialDistribution.Par.RATE_ID
.static OptionID
LaplaceDistribution.Par. RATE_ID
Shape parameter gamma.static OptionID
Distribution.Parameterizer. SCALE_ID
Scale parameter.static OptionID
CauchyDistribution.Par. SHAPE_ID
Shape parameter gamma.static OptionID
Distribution.Parameterizer. SHAPE_ID
Shape parameter.static OptionID
KappaDistribution.Par. SHAPE1_ID
First shape parameter.static OptionID
KappaDistribution.Par. SHAPE2_ID
Second shape parameter.static OptionID
ExpGammaDistribution.Par. SHIFT_ID
Shifting offset parameter.static OptionID
LogGammaDistribution.Par. SHIFT_ID
Shifting offset parameter.static OptionID
LogNormalDistribution.Par. SHIFT_ID
Shift parameterstatic OptionID
SkewGeneralizedNormalDistribution.Par. SKEW_ID
Skew parameterstatic OptionID
ExpGammaDistribution.Par. THETA_ID
Theta parameter, same asGammaDistribution.Par.THETA_ID
.static OptionID
GammaDistribution.Par. THETA_ID
Theta parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta
Fields in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
TrimmedEstimator.Par. INNER_ID
Option for the class to use on the trimmed sample.static OptionID
WinsorizingEstimator.Par. INNER_ID
Option for the class to use on the winsorized sample.static OptionID
TrimmedEstimator.Par. TRIM_ID
Option for specifying the amount of data to trim.static OptionID
WinsorizingEstimator.Par. WINSORIZE_ID
Option for specifying the amount of data to winsorize. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.math.statistics.intrinsicdimensionality
Fields in elki.math.statistics.intrinsicdimensionality declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
LPCAEstimator.Par. FILTER_ID
Option for the EigenPairFilter to use on eigenvalues. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier
Fields in elki.outlier declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
GaussianUniformMixture.Par. C_ID
Parameter to specify the cutoff.static OptionID
Option ID for radius increasesstatic OptionID
Distribution assumption for distances.static OptionID
Expected share of outliers.static OptionID
GaussianModel.Par. INVERT_ID
OptionID for inversion flag.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its score, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
Option ID for the number of neighbors.static OptionID
SimpleCOP.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its COP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
GaussianUniformMixture.Par. L_ID
Parameter to specify the fraction of expected outliers.static OptionID
Include COP error vectors in output.static OptionID
Class to compute the PCA with.static OptionID
Parameter for the PCA runner class. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.anglebased
Fields in elki.outlier.anglebased declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
FastABOD.Par. K_ID
Parameter for the nearest neighbors.static OptionID
Parameter for the kernel function.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of outliers to compute exactly. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.clustering
Fields in elki.outlier.clustering declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter to specify the alpha value to be used by the algorithm.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the beta value to be used by the algorithm.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the algorithm to be used for clustering.static OptionID
KMeansOutlierDetection.Par. CLUSTERING_ID
Parameter for choosing the clustering algorithm.static OptionID
SilhouetteOutlierDetection.Par. CLUSTERING_ID
Parameter for choosing the clustering algorithmstatic OptionID
KMeansOutlierDetection.Par. RULE_ID
Parameter for choosing the scoring rule. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.density
Fields in elki.outlier.density declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
HySortOD.Par. B_ID
Parameter for number of bins.static OptionID
Parameter for the predefined threshold.static OptionID
IsolationForest.Par. NUM_TREES_ID
Parameter for the number of treesstatic OptionID
IsolationForest.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the seed to initialize Random.static OptionID
IsolationForest.Par. SUBSAMPLE_SIZE_ID
Parameter for the sub sample size -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.distance
Fields in elki.outlier.distance declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AbstractDBOutlier.Par. D_ID
Parameter to specify the size of the D-neighborhoodstatic OptionID
HilOut.Par. H_ID
Parameter to specify the maximum Hilbert-Levelstatic OptionID
HilOut.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify how many next neighbors should be used in the computationstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighborstatic OptionID
KNNOutlier.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighborstatic OptionID
KNNWeightOutlier.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighbor.static OptionID
LocalIsolationCoefficient.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighbor.static OptionID
Number of nearest neighbors.static OptionID
ReferenceBasedOutlierDetection.Par. K_ID
The number of nearest neighbors of an object, to be considered for computing its REFOD_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of neighborsstatic OptionID
HilOut.Par. N_ID
Parameter to specify how many outliers should be computedstatic OptionID
DBOutlierDetection.Par. P_ID
Parameter to specify the minimum fraction of objects that must be outside the D- neighborhood of an outlierstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify perplexitystatic OptionID
ReferenceBasedOutlierDetection.Par. REFP_ID
Parameter for the reference points heuristic.static OptionID
HilOut.Par. T_ID
Parameter to specify p of LP-NormDistancestatic OptionID
HilOut.Par. TN_ID
Parameter to specify if only the Top n, or also approximations for the other elements, should be returned -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.intrinsic
Fields in elki.outlier.intrinsic declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
The class used for estimating the intrinsic dimensionality.static OptionID
Parameter for ID estimation.static OptionID
Class to use for estimating the ID.static OptionID
Parameter for the number of neighbors.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be used for the GED computation.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of neighborsstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the neighborhood size to use for the averaging. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.lof
Fields in elki.outlier.lof declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter to specify the averaging neighborhood scaling.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the averaging neighborhood scaling.static OptionID
Option ID for cstatic OptionID
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between database objects.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of Grids to use.static OptionID
Option ID for h - kernel bandwidth scalingstatic OptionID
Intrinsic dimensionality.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the neighborhood size for COF.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its INFLO score.static OptionID
Option ID for kstatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LDOF_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LOF score, must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.static OptionID
VarianceOfVolume.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its VOV score, must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LOOP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the kernel density function.static OptionID
Option ID for kernel.static OptionID
SimpleKernelDensityLOF.Par. KERNEL_ID
Option ID for kernel density LOF kernel.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the minimum bandwidth.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the kernel scaling factor.static OptionID
Maximum value of k to analyze.static OptionID
Minimum value of k to analyze.static OptionID
FlexibleLOF.Par. KREACH_ID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its reachability distance.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LOOP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
FlexibleLOF.Par. KREF_ID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LOF score, must be an integer greater or equal to 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be considered for computing its LOOP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
Parameter to specify if any object is a Core Object must be a double greater than 0.0static OptionID
Parameter to specify the minimum neighborhood sizestatic OptionID
Parameter to specify the minimum neighborhood sizestatic OptionID
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between database objects.static OptionID
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between database objects.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered, must be suitable to the distance function specified.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the seed to initialize Random. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.meta
Fields in elki.outlier.meta declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Parameter that specifies which outlier detection algorithm to use on the resulting set of high contrast subspaces.static OptionID
Parameter that determines the size of the test statistic during the Monte-Carlo iteration.static OptionID
FeatureBagging.Par. BREADTH_ID
The flag for using the breadth first approach.static OptionID
ExternalDoubleOutlierScore.Par. FILE_ID
Parameter that specifies the name of the file to be re-parsed.static OptionID
ExternalDoubleOutlierScore.Par. ID_ID
Parameter that specifies the object ID patternstatic OptionID
ExternalDoubleOutlierScore.Par. INVERTED_ID
Flag parameter for inverted scores.static OptionID
Parameter that specifies the candidate_cutoff.static OptionID
HiCS.Par. M_ID
Parameter that specifies the number of iterations in the Monte-Carlo process of identifying high contrast subspaces.static OptionID
FeatureBagging.Par. NUM_ID
Parameter to specify the number of instances to use in the ensemble.static OptionID
ExternalDoubleOutlierScore.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.static OptionID
RescaleMetaOutlierAlgorithm.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.static OptionID
ExternalDoubleOutlierScore.Par. SCORE_ID
Parameter that specifies the object score patternstatic OptionID
FeatureBagging.Par. SEED_ID
The parameter to specify the random seed.static OptionID
Parameter that specifies the random seed.static OptionID
Parameter that specifies which statistical test to use in order to calculate the deviation of two given data samples.static OptionID
SimpleOutlierEnsemble.Par. VOTING_ID
Voting strategy to use in the ensemble. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.spatial
Fields in elki.outlier.spatial declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
CTLuGLSBackwardSearchAlgorithm.Par. ALPHA_ID
Holds the alpha value - significance niveaustatic OptionID
CTLuRandomWalkEC.Par. ALPHA_ID
Parameter to specify alpha.static OptionID
CTLuRandomWalkEC.Par. C_ID
Parameter to specify the c.static OptionID
CTLuGLSBackwardSearchAlgorithm.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighborsstatic OptionID
CTLuRandomWalkEC.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of neighbors.static OptionID
AbstractNeighborhoodOutlier. NEIGHBORHOOD_ID
Parameter to specify the neighborhood predicate to use.static OptionID
AbstractDistanceBasedSpatialOutlier.Par. NON_SPATIAL_DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to specify the non spatial distance function to usestatic OptionID
TrimmedMeanApproach.Par. P_ID
Parameter for the percentile value p. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood
Fields in elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PrecomputedKNearestNeighborNeighborhood.Factory.Par. DISTANCEFUNCTION_ID
Parameter to specify the distance function to usestatic OptionID
PrecomputedKNearestNeighborNeighborhood.Factory.Par. K_ID
Parameter kstatic OptionID
ExternalNeighborhood.Factory.Par. NEIGHBORHOOD_FILE_ID
Parameter to specify the neighborhood filestatic OptionID
ExtendedNeighborhood.Factory.Par. NEIGHBORHOOD_ID
Parameter to specify the neighborhood predicate to use.static OptionID
ExtendedNeighborhood.Factory.Par. STEPS_ID
Parameter to specify the number of steps allowed -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood.weighted
Fields in elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood.weighted declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
UnweightedNeighborhoodAdapter.Factory.Par. INNER_ID
The parameter to give the non-weighted neighborhood to use.static OptionID
LinearWeightedExtendedNeighborhood.Factory.Par. NEIGHBORHOOD_ID
Parameter to specify the neighborhood predicate to use.static OptionID
LinearWeightedExtendedNeighborhood.Factory.Par. STEPS_ID
Parameter to specify the number of steps allowed -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.subspace
Fields in elki.outlier.subspace declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Clustering algorithm to use.static OptionID
OutRankS1.Par. ALPHA_ID
Alpha parameter for S1static OptionID
Parameter to indicate the multiplier for the discriminance value for discerning small from large variances.static OptionID
Option ID for Epsilon parameterstatic OptionID
AbstractAggarwalYuOutlier.Par. K_ID
OptionID for the target dimensionality.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the number of shared nearest neighbors to be considered for learning the subspace properties, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
AggarwalYuEvolutionary.Par. M_ID
Parameter to specify the number of solutions must be an integer greater than 1.static OptionID
Parameter for keeping the models.static OptionID
AbstractAggarwalYuOutlier.Par. PHI_ID
OptionID for the grid size.static OptionID
AggarwalYuEvolutionary.Par. SEED_ID
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.static OptionID
Parameter for the similarity function. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.svm
Fields in elki.outlier.svm declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SVM C parameterstatic OptionID
LibSVMOneClassOutlierDetection.Par. GAMMA_ID
SVM gamma parameterstatic OptionID
LibSVMOneClassOutlierDetection.Par. KERNEL_ID
Parameter for kernel function.static OptionID
Parameter for kernel function.static OptionID
Parameter for kernel function.static OptionID
LibSVMOneClassOutlierDetection.Par. NU_ID
SVM nu parameterstatic OptionID
SVM nu parameter -
Uses of OptionID in elki.outlier.trivial
Fields in elki.outlier.trivial declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
TrivialGeneratedOutlier.Par. EXPECT_ID
Expected share of outliersstatic OptionID
The pattern to match outliers with. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.persistent
Fields in elki.persistent declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
LRUCachePageFileFactory.Par. CACHE_SIZE_ID
Parameter to specify the size of the cache in bytes, must be an integer equal to or greater than 0.static OptionID
OnDiskArrayPageFileFactory.Par. FILE_ID
Optional parameter that specifies the name of the file storing the index.static OptionID
PersistentPageFileFactory.Par. FILE_ID
Optional parameter that specifies the name of the file storing the index.static OptionID
AbstractPageFileFactory.Par. PAGE_SIZE_ID
Parameter to specify the size of a page in bytes, must be an integer greater than 0.static OptionID
LRUCachePageFileFactory.Par. PAGEFILE_ID
Parameter to specify the inner pagefile. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.projection
Fields in elki.projection declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Affinity matrix builder.static OptionID
Affinity matrix builder.static OptionID
Desired projection dimensionality.static OptionID
Desired projection dimensionality.static OptionID
IntrinsicNearestNeighborAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par. ESTIMATOR_ID
Parameter for ID estimation.static OptionID
Number of iterations to execute.static OptionID
Number of iterations to execute.static OptionID
AbstractProjectionAlgorithm. KEEP_ID
Flag to keep the original projectionstatic OptionID
Initial learning rate.static OptionID
Initial learning rate.static OptionID
Initial momentum.static OptionID
Initial momentum.static OptionID
PerplexityAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par. PERPLEXITY_ID
Perplexity parameter, the number of neighbors to preserve.static OptionID
Random generator seed.static OptionID
Random generator seed.static OptionID
GaussianAffinityMatrixBuilder.Par. SIGMA_ID
Sigma parameter, the Gaussian bandwidthstatic OptionID
Parameter for the approximation quality. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.result
Fields in elki.result declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ClusteringVectorDumper.Par. APPEND_ID
Append flag.static OptionID
KMLOutputHandler.Par. AUTOOPEN_ID
Parameter for automatically opening the output file.static OptionID
KMLOutputHandler.Par. COMPAT_ID
Parameter for compatibility mode.static OptionID
Pattern to filter the outputstatic OptionID
ExportVisualizations.Par. FOLDER_ID
Parameter to specify the output folderstatic OptionID
ClusteringVectorDumper.Par. FORCE_LABEL_ID
Force label parameter.static OptionID
ExportVisualizations.Par. FORMAT_ID
Parameter to specify the output formatstatic OptionID
ResultWriter.Par. GZIP_OUTPUT_ID
Flag to control GZIP compression.static OptionID
ExportVisualizations.Par. IWIDTH_ID
Parameter to specify the image width of pixel formatsstatic OptionID
ClusteringVectorDumper.Par. OUT_ID
Output file name parameter.static OptionID
Flag to suppress overwrite warning.static OptionID
ExportVisualizations.Par. RATIO_ID
Parameter to specify the canvas ratiostatic OptionID
KMLOutputHandler.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter for scaling functionsstatic OptionID
AutomaticVisualization.Par. SINGLE_ID
Flag to set single displaystatic OptionID
AutomaticVisualization.Par. WINDOW_TITLE_ID
Parameter to specify the window title -
Uses of OptionID in elki.similarity
Fields in elki.similarity declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
InvertedDistanceSimilarity. DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID
Parameter to specify the similarity function to derive the distance between database objects from.static OptionID
AbstractIndexBasedSimilarity.Par. INDEX_ID
Parameter to specify the preprocessor to be used. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.similarity.kernel
Fields in elki.similarity.kernel declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
PolynomialKernel.Par. BIAS_ID
Bias parameter.static OptionID
RationalQuadraticKernel.Par. C_ID
C parameterstatic OptionID
SigmoidKernel.Par. C_ID
C parameter: scalingstatic OptionID
PolynomialKernel.Par. DEGREE_ID
Degree parameter.static OptionID
RadialBasisFunctionKernel.Par. GAMMA_ID
Gamma parameter.static OptionID
LaplaceKernel.Par. SIGMA_ID
Sigma parameter: standard deviation.static OptionID
RadialBasisFunctionKernel.Par. SIGMA_ID
Sigma parameter: standard deviation.static OptionID
SigmoidKernel.Par. THETA_ID
Theta parameter: bias -
Uses of OptionID in elki.timeseries
Fields in elki.timeseries declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SigniTrendChangeDetection.Par. BIAS_ID
Bias adjustment for chancestatic OptionID
OfflineChangePointDetectionAlgorithm.Par. BOOTSTRAP_ID
Number of samples for bootstrap significance.static OptionID
OfflineChangePointDetectionAlgorithm.Par. CONFIDENCE_ID
Mininum confidence.static OptionID
SigniTrendChangeDetection.Par. HALFLIFE_ID
Parameter for half-life aging.static OptionID
SigniTrendChangeDetection.Par. MINSIGMA_ID
Sigma reporting threshold.static OptionID
OfflineChangePointDetectionAlgorithm.Par. RANDOM_ID
Random generator seed. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities
Methods in elki.utilities with parameters of type OptionID Modifier and Type Method Description ELKIBuilder<T>
ELKIBuilder. with(OptionID opt)
Add a flag to the builder.ELKIBuilder<T>
ELKIBuilder. with(OptionID opt, java.lang.Object value)
Add an option to the builder. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.ensemble
Fields in elki.utilities.ensemble declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
EnsembleVotingMedian.Par. QUANTILE_ID
Option ID for the quantile -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.optionhandling
Methods in elki.utilities.optionhandling that return OptionID Modifier and Type Method Description static OptionID
OptionID. getOrCreateOptionID(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)
Gets or creates the OptionID for the given class and given name. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameterization
Methods in elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameterization with parameters of type OptionID Modifier and Type Method Description ListParameterization
ListParameterization. addFlag(OptionID optionid)
Add a flag to the parameter listListParameterization
ListParameterization. addParameter(OptionID optionid, java.lang.Object value)
Add a parameter to the parameter list -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters
Fields in elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description protected OptionID
AbstractParameter. optionid
The option name.Methods in elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters that return OptionID Modifier and Type Method Description OptionID
AbstractParameter. getOptionID()
Parameter. getOptionID()
Return the OptionID of this option.Constructors in elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters with parameters of type OptionID Constructor Description AbstractParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, and constraints.AbstractParameter(OptionID optionID, T defaultValue)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraints, and default value.ClassListParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructs a class list parameter with the given optionID and restriction class.ClassParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, and restriction class.ClassParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass, java.lang.Class<?> defaultValue)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class, and default value.DoubleArrayListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.DoubleArrayListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<java.util.List<double[]>> constraint)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.DoubleArrayListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<java.util.List<double[]>> constraint, java.util.List<double[]> defaultValue)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.DoubleArrayListParameter(OptionID optionID, java.util.List<double[]> defaultValue)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID.DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, double defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and default value.EnumParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<E> enumClass)
Constructs an enum parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.EnumParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<E> enumClass, E defaultValue)
Constructs an enum parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.FileListParameter(OptionID optionID, FileListParameter.FilesType filesType)
Constructs a file list parameter with the given optionID, and file type.FileParameter(OptionID optionID, FileParameter.FileType fileType)
Constructs a file parameter with the given optionID, and file type.Flag(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a flag object with the given optionID.IntGeneratorParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs an integer list parameterIntListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs an integer list parameterIntParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID.IntParameter(OptionID optionID, int defaultValue)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID.ListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.ListParameter(OptionID optionID, T defaultValue)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.LongParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID.LongParameter(OptionID optionID, long defaultValue)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID and default value.NumberParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID.NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, T defaultValue)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID and default Value.ObjectListParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructor for non-optional.ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, and restriction class.ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass, java.lang.Class<?> defaultValue)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class, and default value.ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.Class<?> restrictionClass, T defaultValue)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class, and default value.PatternParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID.PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.String defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, and default value.PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, java.util.regex.Pattern defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, and default value.RandomParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructor without default.RandomParameter(OptionID optionID, RandomFactory defaultValue)
Constructor with default value.StringParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID.StringParameter(OptionID optionID, java.lang.String defaultValue)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, and default value. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.referencepoints
Fields in elki.utilities.referencepoints declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
GridBasedReferencePoints.Par. GRID_ID
Parameter to specify the grid resolution.static OptionID
GridBasedReferencePoints.Par. GRID_SCALE_ID
Parameter to specify the extra scaling of the space, to allow out-of-data-space reference points.static OptionID
RandomGeneratedReferencePoints.Par. N_ID
Parameter to specify the number of requested reference points.static OptionID
RandomSampleReferencePoints.Par. N_ID
Parameter to specify the sample size.static OptionID
StarBasedReferencePoints.Par. NOCENTER_ID
Parameter to specify the grid resolution.static OptionID
RandomGeneratedReferencePoints.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter to specify the sample size.static OptionID
RandomSampleReferencePoints.Par. RANDOM_ID
Parameter to specify the sample size.static OptionID
RandomGeneratedReferencePoints.Par. SCALE_ID
Parameter for additional scaling of the space, to allow out-of-space reference points.static OptionID
StarBasedReferencePoints.Par. SCALE_ID
Parameter to specify the extra scaling of the space, to allow out-of-data-space reference points.static OptionID
AxisBasedReferencePoints.Par. SPACE_SCALE_ID
Parameter to specify the extra scaling of the space, to allow out-of-data-space reference points. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.scaling
Fields in elki.utilities.scaling declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
GammaScaling.Par. GAMMA_ID
OptionID for the gamma value.static OptionID
ClipScaling. MAX_ID
Parameter to specify the maximum valuestatic OptionID
ClipScaling. MIN_ID
Parameter to specify a fixed minimum to use. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.utilities.scaling.outlier
Fields in elki.utilities.scaling.outlier declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
TopKOutlierScaling.Par. BINARY_ID
Parameter to specify the lambda valuestatic OptionID
TopKOutlierScaling.Par. K_ID
Parameter to specify the number of outliers to keepstatic OptionID
SqrtStandardDeviationScaling.Par. LAMBDA_ID
Parameter to specify the lambda valuestatic OptionID
StandardDeviationScaling.Par. LAMBDA_ID
Parameter to specify the lambda valuestatic OptionID
OutlierLinearScaling.Par. MAX_ID
Parameter to specify the maximum value.static OptionID
OutlierSqrtScaling.Par. MAX_ID
Parameter to specify the fixed maximum to use.static OptionID
OutlierLinearScaling.Par. MEAN_ID
Flag to use the mean as minimum for scaling.static OptionID
SqrtStandardDeviationScaling.Par. MEAN_ID
Parameter to specify a fixed mean to use.static OptionID
StandardDeviationScaling.Par. MEAN_ID
Parameter to specify a fixed mean to use.static OptionID
OutlierLinearScaling.Par. MIN_ID
Parameter to specify a fixed minimum to use.static OptionID
OutlierSqrtScaling.Par. MIN_ID
Parameter to specify the fixed minimum to use.static OptionID
SqrtStandardDeviationScaling.Par. MIN_ID
Parameter to specify the fixed minimum to use.static OptionID
OutlierGammaScaling.Par. NORMALIZE_ID
Normalization flag.static OptionID
OutlierLinearScaling.Par. NOZEROS_ID
Flag to use ignore zeros when computing the min and max.static OptionID
COPOutlierScaling.Par. PHI_ID
Phi parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization
Fields in elki.visualization declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
VisualizerParameterizer.Par. ENABLEVIS_ID
Parameter to enable visualizersstatic OptionID
VisualizerParameterizer.Par. SAMPLING_ID
Parameter to set the sampling levelstatic OptionID
VisualizerParameterizer.Par. SHOWVIS_ID
Parameter to show visualizers hidden by defaultstatic OptionID
VisualizerParameterizer.Par. STYLELIB_ID
Parameter to get the style properties file. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.parallel3d
Fields in elki.visualization.parallel3d declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
OpenGL3DParallelCoordinates.Par. LAYOUT_ID
Option for layouting method -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.parallel3d.layout
Fields in elki.visualization.parallel3d.layout declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SimilarityBasedLayouter3DPC. SIM_ID
Option for similarity measure. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.projector
Fields in elki.visualization.projector declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ScatterPlotFactory.Par. MAXDIM_ID
Parameter for the maximum number of dimensions. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.histogram
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.histogram declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ColoredHistogramVisualizer.Par. HISTOGRAM_BINS_ID
Parameter to specify the number of bins to use in histogram.static OptionID
ColoredHistogramVisualizer.Par. STYLE_CURVES_ID
Flag to specify the "curves" rendering style. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel.cluster
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel.cluster declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ClusterOutlineVisualization.Par. STRAIGHT_ID
Option string to draw straight lines for hull. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
TooltipScoreVisualization.Par. DIGITS_ID
Parameter for the gamma-correction. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.cluster
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.cluster declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
ClusterAlphaHullVisualization.Par. ALPHA_ID
Alpha-Value for alpha-shapesstatic OptionID
VoronoiVisualization.Par. MODE_ID
Mode for drawing: Voronoi, Delaunay, both. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.index
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.index declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
TreeMBRVisualization.Par. FILL_ID
Flag for half-transparent filling of bubbles. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.outlier
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.outlier declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
BubbleVisualization.Par. FILL_ID
Flag for half-transparent filling of bubbles.static OptionID
BubbleVisualization.Par. SCALING_ID
Parameter for scaling functions -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.selection
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.selection declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
SelectionCubeVisualization.Par. NOFILL_ID
Flag for half-transparent filling of selection cubes. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj
Fields in elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
DendrogramVisualization.Par. LAYOUT_ID
Dendrogram positioning logic.static OptionID
DendrogramVisualization.Par. STYLE_ID
Dendrogram drawing style. -
Uses of OptionID in elki.workflow
Fields in elki.workflow declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
AlgorithmStep.Par. ALGORITHM_ID
Parameter to specify the algorithm to run.static OptionID
InputStep.Par. DATABASE_ID
Option ID to specify the database typestatic OptionID
EvaluationStep.Par. EVALUATOR_ID
Parameter ID to specify the evaluators to run.static OptionID
OutputStep.Par. OUTPUT_ID
OptionID for the application output file/folder.static OptionID
Parameter to specify the result handler classes.static OptionID
AlgorithmStep.Par. TIME_ID
Flag to allow verbose messages while running the application. -
Uses of OptionID in tutorial.clustering
Fields in tutorial.clustering declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Distance cutoff parameter.static OptionID
Number of clusters parameter.static OptionID
NaiveAgglomerativeHierarchicalClustering3.Par. LINKAGE_ID
Option ID for linkage parameter.static OptionID
NaiveAgglomerativeHierarchicalClustering4.Par. LINKAGE_ID
Option ID for linkage parameter. -
Uses of OptionID in tutorial.distancefunction
Fields in tutorial.distancefunction declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
Option ID for the exponents -
Uses of OptionID in tutorial.outlier
Fields in tutorial.outlier declared as OptionID Modifier and Type Field Description static OptionID
DistanceStddevOutlier.Par. K_ID
Option ID for parameterization.static OptionID
Parameter for the number of nearest neighbors.