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w - Variable in class elki.clustering.subspace.DOC.Par
Half width parameter.
w - Variable in class elki.clustering.subspace.DOC
Half width parameter.
w - Variable in class elki.visualization.gui.overview.PlotItem
Size: width
w - Variable in class elki.visualization.svg.SVGButton
W_ID - Static variable in class elki.clustering.subspace.DOC.Par
Half width parameter.
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.DropEigenPairFilter.Par
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.DropEigenPairFilter
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.ProgressiveEigenPairFilter.Par
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.ProgressiveEigenPairFilter
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.SignificantEigenPairFilter.Par
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.SignificantEigenPairFilter
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.WeakEigenPairFilter.Par
The threshold for strong eigenvectors: the strong eigenvectors explain a portion of at least alpha of the total variance.
walpha - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.WeakEigenPairFilter
The noise tolerance level for weak eigenvectors
WARD - tutorial.clustering.NaiveAgglomerativeHierarchicalClustering3.Linkage
WARD - tutorial.clustering.NaiveAgglomerativeHierarchicalClustering4.Linkage
WardLinkage - Class in elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage
Ward's method clustering method.
WardLinkage() - Constructor for class elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage.WardLinkage
use the static instance WardLinkage.STATIC instead.
WardLinkage.Par - Class in elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage
Class parameterizer.
warned - Variable in class elki.database.query.knn.PreprocessorKNNQuery
Warn only once.
warned - Variable in class elki.database.query.rknn.PreprocessorRKNNQuery
Warn only once.
warnedDim - Variable in class elki.datasource.parser.NumberVectorLabelParser
Emit a dimensionality change warning once.
warnedPrecision - Variable in class elki.datasource.parser.NumberVectorLabelParser
Emit a double-precision limit warning once.
warnIfDebugging(ArithmeticException, DistributionEstimator<?>) - Method in class elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta.BestFitEstimator
Warn on arithmetic errors, if debug logging is enabled
warning(CharSequence) - Method in class elki.logging.Logging
Log a message at the 'warning' level.
warning(CharSequence, Throwable) - Method in class elki.logging.Logging
Log a message at the 'warning' level.
warning(String) - Static method in class elki.logging.LoggingUtil
Static version to log a warning message.
warning(String, Throwable) - Static method in class elki.logging.LoggingUtil
Static version to log a warning message.
warnoverwrite - Variable in class elki.result.ResultWriter.Par
Whether or not to warn on overwrite
warnoverwrite - Variable in class elki.result.ResultWriter
Whether or not to warn on overwrite
WeakEigenPairFilter - Class in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter
The WeakEigenPairFilter sorts the eigenpairs in descending order of their eigenvalues and returns the first eigenpairs who are above the average mark as "strong", the others as "weak".
WeakEigenPairFilter(double) - Constructor for class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter.WeakEigenPairFilter
WeakEigenPairFilter.Par - Class in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.filter
Parameterization class.
weakEigenvalues - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.PCAFilteredResult
The weak eigenvalues.
weakEigenvectors - Variable in class elki.data.model.CorrelationAnalysisSolution
The weak eigenvectors of the hyperplane induced by the correlation.
weakEigenvectors - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.PCAFilteredResult
The weak eigenvectors to their corresponding filtered eigenvalues.
weakNeighbors(double[], double[], PCAFilteredResult, PCAFilteredResult) - Method in class elki.clustering.dbscan.predicates.ERiCNeighborPredicate.Instance
Computes the distance between two given DatabaseObjects according to this distance function.
WeibullDistribution - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution
Weibull distribution.
WeibullDistribution(double, double) - Constructor for class elki.math.statistics.distribution.WeibullDistribution
WeibullDistribution(double, double, double) - Constructor for class elki.math.statistics.distribution.WeibullDistribution
WeibullDistribution.Par - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution
Parameterization class
WeibullLMMEstimator - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator
Estimate parameters of the Weibull distribution using the method of L-Moments (LMM).
WeibullLMMEstimator() - Constructor for class elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.WeibullLMMEstimator
WeibullLMMEstimator.Par - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator
Parameterization class.
WeibullLogMADEstimator - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator
Parameter estimation via median and median absolute deviation from median (MAD).
WeibullLogMADEstimator() - Constructor for class elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.WeibullLogMADEstimator
WeibullLogMADEstimator.Par - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator
Parameterization class.
weight - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.DiagonalGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
weight - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.MultivariateGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
weight - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.SphericalGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
weight - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.TextbookMultivariateGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
weight - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.TextbookSphericalGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
weight - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.TwoPassMultivariateGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
weight - Variable in class elki.projection.BarnesHutTSNE.QuadTree
Total weight of this node.
weight - Variable in class elki.svm.data.ByteWeightedArrayDataSet
weight - Variable in class elki.svm.data.DoubleWeightedDataSet
weight - Variable in class elki.timeseries.SigniTrendChangeDetection.Instance
Current weight:
weight - Variable in class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionInteger
Weight, for optimization.
weight - Variable in class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionRangeDBIDs
Weight, for optimization.
weight - Variable in class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionStaticDBIDs
Weight, for optimization.
weight - Variable in class elki.visualization.parallel3d.layout.CompactCircularMSTLayout3DPC.Node
Weight (fanout needed)
weight - Variable in class elki.visualization.parallel3d.layout.SimpleCircularMSTLayout3DPC.Node
Weight (fanout needed)
WEIGHT_ID - Static variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.Par
Parameter to specify the weight function to use in weighted PCA.
weightDistance - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder
Holds the distance function used for weight calculation.
WEIGHTED_AVERAGE - tutorial.clustering.NaiveAgglomerativeHierarchicalClustering3.Linkage
WEIGHTED_AVERAGE - tutorial.clustering.NaiveAgglomerativeHierarchicalClustering4.Linkage
WeightedAverageLinkage - Class in elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage
Weighted average linkage clustering method (WPGMA).
WeightedAverageLinkage() - Constructor for class elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage.WeightedAverageLinkage
use the static instance WeightedAverageLinkage.STATIC instead.
WeightedAverageLinkage.Par - Class in elki.clustering.hierarchical.linkage
Class parameterizer.
WeightedCanberraDistance - Class in elki.distance
Weighted Canberra distance function, a variation of Manhattan distance.
WeightedCanberraDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.WeightedCanberraDistance
WeightedCanberraDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance
Parameterization class.
weightedCoefficient(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class elki.math.PearsonCorrelation
Compute the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.
weightedCoefficient(NumberVector, NumberVector, double[]) - Static method in class elki.math.PearsonCorrelation
Compute the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for two NumberVectors.
weightedCoefficient(NumberVector, NumberVector, NumberVector) - Static method in class elki.math.PearsonCorrelation
Compute the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient,
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder - Class in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder(WeightFunction) - Constructor for class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.Par - Class in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca
Parameterization class.
WeightedDiscreteUncertainifier - Class in elki.data.uncertain.uncertainifier
Class to generate weighted discrete uncertain objects.
WeightedDiscreteUncertainifier(Uncertainifier<?>, int, int) - Constructor for class elki.data.uncertain.uncertainifier.WeightedDiscreteUncertainifier
WeightedDiscreteUncertainifier.Par - Class in elki.data.uncertain.uncertainifier
Parameterization class.
WeightedDiscreteUncertainObject - Class in elki.data.uncertain
Weighted version of discrete uncertain objects.
WeightedDiscreteUncertainObject(DoubleVector[], double[]) - Constructor for class elki.data.uncertain.WeightedDiscreteUncertainObject
WeightedDiscreteUncertainObject.Factory - Class in elki.data.uncertain
Factory class for this data type.
weightedDistance(NumberVector, NumberVector, long[]) - Static method in class elki.clustering.subspace.DiSH
Computes the weighted distance between the two specified vectors according to the given preference vector.
weightedDistance(NumberVector, NumberVector, long[]) - Method in class elki.clustering.subspace.HiSC
Computes the weighted distance between the two specified vectors according to the given preference vector.
WeightedEuclideanDistance - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Weighted Euclidean distance for NumberVectors.
WeightedEuclideanDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedEuclideanDistance
WeightedEuclideanDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Parameterization class.
WeightedLPNormDistance - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Weighted version of the Minkowski Lp norm distance for NumberVector.
WeightedLPNormDistance(double, double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedLPNormDistance
WeightedLPNormDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Parameterization class.
WeightedManhattanDistance - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Weighted version of the Manhattan (L1) metric.
WeightedManhattanDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedManhattanDistance
WeightedManhattanDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Parameterization class.
WeightedMaximumDistance - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Weighted version of the maximum distance function for NumberVectors.
WeightedMaximumDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedMaximumDistance
WeightedMaximumDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Parameterization class.
WeightedNeighborSetPredicate - Interface in elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood.weighted
Neighbor predicate with weight support.
WeightedNeighborSetPredicate.Factory<O> - Interface in elki.outlier.spatial.neighborhood.weighted
Factory interface to produce instances.
WeightedNumberVectorDistance<V> - Interface in elki.distance
Distance functions where each dimension is assigned a weight.
WeightedPearsonCorrelationDistance - Class in elki.distance.correlation
Pearson correlation distance function for feature vectors.
WeightedPearsonCorrelationDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.correlation.WeightedPearsonCorrelationDistance
WeightedPearsonCorrelationDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.correlation
Parameterization class.
WeightedQuickUnionInteger - Class in elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind
Union-find algorithm for primitive integers, with optimizations.
WeightedQuickUnionInteger() - Constructor for class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionInteger
WeightedQuickUnionInteger(int) - Constructor for class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionInteger
WeightedQuickUnionRangeDBIDs - Class in elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind
Union-find algorithm for DBIDRange only, with optimizations.
WeightedQuickUnionRangeDBIDs(DBIDRange) - Constructor for class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionRangeDBIDs
Constructor (package private, use UnionFindUtil.make(elki.database.ids.StaticDBIDs)).
WeightedQuickUnionStaticDBIDs - Class in elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind
Union-find algorithm for StaticDBIDs, with optimizations.
WeightedQuickUnionStaticDBIDs(StaticDBIDs) - Constructor for class elki.utilities.datastructures.unionfind.WeightedQuickUnionStaticDBIDs
Constructor (package private, use UnionFindUtil.make(elki.database.ids.StaticDBIDs)).
WeightedSquaredEuclideanDistance - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Weighted squared Euclidean distance for NumberVectors.
WeightedSquaredEuclideanDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedSquaredEuclideanDistance
WeightedSquaredEuclideanDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.minkowski
Parameterization class.
WeightedSquaredPearsonCorrelationDistance - Class in elki.distance.correlation
Weighted squared Pearson correlation distance function for feature vectors.
WeightedSquaredPearsonCorrelationDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class elki.distance.correlation.WeightedSquaredPearsonCorrelationDistance
WeightedSquaredPearsonCorrelationDistance.Par - Class in elki.distance.correlation
Parameterization class.
WeightedUncertainSplitFilter - Class in elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions
Filter to transform a single vector into a set of samples and weights to interpret as uncertain observation.
WeightedUncertainSplitFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions.WeightedUncertainSplitFilter
WeightedUncertainSplitFilter.Par - Class in elki.datasource.filter.typeconversions
Parameterization class.
weightfunction - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.Par
Weight function.
weightfunction - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder
Holds the weight function.
WeightFunction - Interface in elki.math.linearalgebra.pca.weightfunctions
WeightFunction interface that allows the use of various distance-based weight functions.
weightMatrix - Variable in class elki.distance.MatrixWeightedQuadraticDistance
The weight matrix.
weights - Variable in class elki.clustering.hierarchical.birch.BIRCHKMeansPlusPlus
weights - Variable in class elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization.KMC2.Instance
weights - Variable in class elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization.KMeansPlusPlus.Instance
weights - Variable in class elki.clustering.kmeans.initialization.SphericalKMeansPlusPlus.Instance
weights - Variable in class elki.data.uncertain.WeightedDiscreteUncertainObject
Sample weights
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.correlation.WeightedPearsonCorrelationDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.correlation.WeightedPearsonCorrelationDistance
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.correlation.WeightedSquaredPearsonCorrelationDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.correlation.WeightedSquaredPearsonCorrelationDistance
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedEuclideanDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedLPNormDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedLPNormDistance
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedManhattanDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedMaximumDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedSquaredEuclideanDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.minkowski.WeightedSquaredEuclideanDistance
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.WeightedCanberraDistance.Par
Weight array
weights - Variable in class elki.distance.WeightedCanberraDistance
Weight array
WEIGHTS_ID - Static variable in interface elki.distance.WeightedNumberVectorDistance
Parameter to set the weights of the weighted distance function.
weightVector - Variable in class elki.outlier.subspace.SOD.SODModel
Relevant dimensions.
WelchTTest - Class in elki.math.statistics.tests
Calculates a test statistic according to Welch's t test for two samples Supplies methods for calculating the degrees of freedom according to the Welch-Satterthwaite Equation.
WelchTTest() - Constructor for class elki.math.statistics.tests.WelchTTest
WelchTTest.Par - Class in elki.math.statistics.tests
Parameterizer, to use the static instance.
WGS72_FLATTENING - Static variable in class elki.math.geodesy.WGS72SpheroidEarthModel
Flattening f of the WGS72 Ellipsoid.
WGS72_INV_FLATTENING - Static variable in class elki.math.geodesy.WGS72SpheroidEarthModel
Inverse flattening 1/f of the WGS72 Ellipsoid.
WGS72_RADIUS - Static variable in class elki.math.geodesy.WGS72SpheroidEarthModel
Radius of the WGS72 Ellipsoid in m (a).
WGS72SpheroidEarthModel - Class in elki.math.geodesy
The WGS72 spheroid earth model, without height model.
WGS72SpheroidEarthModel() - Constructor for class elki.math.geodesy.WGS72SpheroidEarthModel
WGS72SpheroidEarthModel.Par - Class in elki.math.geodesy
Parameterization class.
WGS84_FLATTENING - Static variable in class elki.math.geodesy.WGS84SpheroidEarthModel
Flattening f of the WGS84 Ellipsoid.
WGS84_INV_FLATTENING - Static variable in class elki.math.geodesy.WGS84SpheroidEarthModel
Inverse flattening 1/f of the WGS84 Ellipsoid.
WGS84_RADIUS - Static variable in class elki.math.geodesy.WGS84SpheroidEarthModel
Radius of the WGS84 Ellipsoid in m (a).
WGS84SpheroidEarthModel - Class in elki.math.geodesy
The WGS84 spheroid earth model, without height model (so not a geoid, just a spheroid!)
WGS84SpheroidEarthModel() - Constructor for class elki.math.geodesy.WGS84SpheroidEarthModel
WGS84SpheroidEarthModel.Par - Class in elki.math.geodesy
Parameterization class.
whitespace(int) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.FormatUtil
Returns a string with the specified number of whitespace.
whitespace(StringBuilder, int) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.FormatUtil
Returns a string with the specified number of whitespace.
WHITESPACE - Static variable in class elki.logging.OutputStreamLogger
WHITESPACE_BUFFER - Static variable in class elki.utilities.io.FormatUtil
WHITESPACE_BUFFER_LENGTH - Static variable in class elki.utilities.io.FormatUtil
Length of the whitespace buffer.
WHITESPACE_PATTERN - Static variable in class elki.datasource.GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection
A pattern defining whitespace.
WHITESPACE_PATTERN - Static variable in class elki.datasource.parser.LibSVMFormatParser
LibSVM uses whitespace and colons for separation.
width - Variable in class elki.application.experiments.VisualizeGeodesicDistances
Image size.
width - Variable in class elki.index.lsh.hashfamilies.AbstractProjectedHashFunctionFamily.Par
Width of each bin.
width - Variable in class elki.index.lsh.hashfamilies.AbstractProjectedHashFunctionFamily
Width of each bin.
width - Variable in class elki.outlier.lof.ALOCI.ALOCIQuadTree
Tree parameters
width - Static variable in class elki.utilities.io.FormatUtil
Terminal width cache.
width - Variable in class elki.visualization.gui.detail.DetailView
The created width
width - Variable in class elki.visualization.opticsplot.OPTICSPlot
Width of plot
width - Variable in class elki.visualization.parallel3d.util.AbstractSimpleOverlay
Screen ratio.
width - Variable in class elki.visualization.silhouette.SilhouettePlot
Width of plot
width - Variable in class elki.visualization.visualizers.AbstractVisualization
WIDTH_ID - Static variable in class elki.index.lsh.hashfamilies.AbstractProjectedHashFunctionFamily.Par
Parameter for choosing the bin width.
widths - Variable in class elki.visualization.gui.overview.RectangleArranger
Column widths
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par
Curve window size.
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory
Curve window size
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor
Curve window size.
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par
Curve window size.
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory
Curve window size
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor
Curve window size
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.SpacefillingMaterializeKNNPreprocessor.Factory
Curve window size
window - Variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.SpacefillingMaterializeKNNPreprocessor
Curve window size
window - Variable in class elki.result.AutomaticVisualization
Current result window.
WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class elki.clustering.onedimensional.KNNKernelDensityMinimaClustering.Par
Half window width to find local minima.
WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.NaiveProjectedKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par
Parameter for setting the widows size multiplicator.
WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class elki.index.preprocessed.knn.SpacefillingKNNPreprocessor.Factory.Par
Parameter for setting the widows size multiplicator.
WINDOW_TITLE_ID - Static variable in class elki.result.AutomaticVisualization.Par
Parameter to specify the window title
winsorize - Variable in class elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta.WinsorizingEstimator
Amount of data to winsorize.
WinsorizingEstimator<D extends Distribution> - Class in elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta
Winsorizing or Georgization estimator.
WinsorizingEstimator(DistributionEstimator<D>, double) - Constructor for class elki.math.statistics.distribution.estimator.meta.WinsorizingEstimator
with(OptionID) - Method in class elki.utilities.ELKIBuilder
Add a flag to the builder.
with(OptionID, Object) - Method in class elki.utilities.ELKIBuilder
Add an option to the builder.
with(VisualizationTask.RenderFlag) - Method in class elki.visualization.VisualizationTask
Set a task flag.
with(VisualizationTask.UpdateFlag) - Method in class elki.visualization.VisualizationTask
Set (OR) the update flags.
with(String) - Method in class elki.utilities.ELKIBuilder
Add a flag to the builder.
with(String, Object) - Method in class elki.utilities.ELKIBuilder
Add an option to the builder.
WithinClusterMeanDistance - Class in elki.clustering.kmeans.quality
Class for computing the average overall distance.
WithinClusterMeanDistance() - Constructor for class elki.clustering.kmeans.quality.WithinClusterMeanDistance
WithinClusterVariance - Class in elki.clustering.kmeans.quality
Class for computing the variance in a clustering result (sum-of-squares).
WithinClusterVariance() - Constructor for class elki.clustering.kmeans.quality.WithinClusterVariance
withinGroupDistances(Relation<? extends NumberVector>, List<? extends Cluster<?>>, NumberVector[]) - Method in class elki.evaluation.clustering.internal.DaviesBouldinIndex
wlb - Variable in class elki.outlier.distance.HilOut.HilbertFeatures
Wmax - Variable in class elki.outlier.density.HySortOD.DensityStrategy
Max hypercube neighborhood density
WorkflowStep - Interface in elki.workflow
Trivial interface for workflow steps.
WorstCaseDistComparator(VALPNormDistance) - Constructor for class elki.index.vafile.PartialVAFile.WorstCaseDistComparator
wrap(double[]) - Static method in class elki.data.DoubleVector
Wrap a double array as vector (without copying).
wrap(Relation<? extends O>, KNNSearcher<O>) - Static method in class elki.database.query.knn.WrappedKNNDBIDByLookup
Wrap a query, if not null.
wrap(Relation<? extends O>, PrioritySearcher<O>) - Static method in class elki.database.query.WrappedPrioritySearchDBIDByLookup
Wrap a query, if not null.
wrap(Relation<? extends O>, RangeSearcher<O>) - Static method in class elki.database.query.range.WrappedRangeDBIDByLookup
Wrap a query, if not null.
wrap(Relation<? extends O>, RKNNSearcher<O>) - Static method in class elki.database.query.rknn.WrappedRKNNDBIDByLookup
Wrap a query, if not null.
WrappedKNNDBIDByLookup<O> - Class in elki.database.query.knn
Find nearest neighbors by querying with the original object.
WrappedKNNDBIDByLookup(Relation<? extends O>, KNNSearcher<O>) - Constructor for class elki.database.query.knn.WrappedKNNDBIDByLookup
WrappedKNNDBIDByLookup.Linear<O> - Class in elki.database.query.knn
Linear scan searcher.
WrappedPrioritySearchDBIDByLookup<O> - Class in elki.database.query
Find nearest neighbors by querying with the original object.
WrappedPrioritySearchDBIDByLookup(Relation<? extends O>, PrioritySearcher<O>) - Constructor for class elki.database.query.WrappedPrioritySearchDBIDByLookup
WrappedPrioritySearchDBIDByLookup.Linear<O> - Class in elki.database.query
Linear scan searcher.
WrappedRangeDBIDByLookup<O> - Class in elki.database.query.range
Find radius neighbors by querying with the original object.
WrappedRangeDBIDByLookup(Relation<? extends O>, RangeSearcher<O>) - Constructor for class elki.database.query.range.WrappedRangeDBIDByLookup
WrappedRangeDBIDByLookup.Linear<O> - Class in elki.database.query.range
Linear scan searcher.
WrappedRKNNDBIDByLookup<O> - Class in elki.database.query.rknn
Find nearest neighbors by querying with the original object.
WrappedRKNNDBIDByLookup(Relation<? extends O>, RKNNSearcher<O>) - Constructor for class elki.database.query.rknn.WrappedRKNNDBIDByLookup
WrappedRKNNDBIDByLookup.Linear<O> - Class in elki.database.query.rknn
Linear scan searcher.
wrapResult(DBIDs, WritableIntegerDataStore, ArrayModifiableDBIDs, String) - Static method in class elki.clustering.kmedoids.PAM
Wrap the clustering result.
writable - Variable in class elki.persistent.OnDiskArray
Writable or read-only object.
WritableDataStore<T> - Interface in elki.database.datastore
Writable data store.
WritableDBIDDataStore - Interface in elki.database.datastore
Data store specialized for doubles.
WritableDoubleDataStore - Interface in elki.database.datastore
Data store specialized for doubles.
WritableIntegerDataStore - Interface in elki.database.datastore
Data store specialized for doubles.
WritableRecordStore - Interface in elki.database.datastore
Represents a storage which stores multiple values per object in a record fashion.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class elki.logging.OutputStreamLogger
Writer that keeps track of when it hasn't seen a newline yet, will auto-insert newlines except when lines start with a carriage return.
write(int) - Method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(TextWriterStream, String, double[]) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterDoubleArray
Serialize an object into the inline section.
write(TextWriterStream, String, int[]) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterIntArray
Serialize an object into the inline section.
write(TextWriterStream, String, ConfusionMatrixEvaluationResult) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterConfusionMatrixResult
write(TextWriterStream, String, XYCurve) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterXYCurve
write(TextWriterStream, String, TextWriteable) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterTextWriteable
Use the objects own text serialization.
write(TextWriterStream, String, DoubleDoublePair) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterDoubleDoublePair
Serialize a pair, component-wise
write(TextWriterStream, String, Pair<?, ?>) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterPair
Serialize a pair, component-wise
write(TextWriterStream, String, Object) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterIgnore
Ignore this object.
write(TextWriterStream, String, Object) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterObjectComment
Put an object into the comment section
write(TextWriterStream, String, Object) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterObjectInline
Serialize an object into the inline section.
write(TextWriterStream, String, O) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriterWriterInterface
Write a given object to the output stream.
write(TextWriterStream, String, T[]) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.writers.TextWriterObjectArray
Serialize an object into the inline section.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class elki.logging.OutputStreamLogger
Writer that keeps track of when it hasn't seen a newline yet, will auto-insert newlines except when lines start with a carriage return.
writeAccess - Variable in class elki.persistent.AbstractPageFile
The write I/O-Access of this file.
writeBundleStream(BundleStreamSource, WritableByteChannel) - Method in class elki.datasource.bundle.BundleWriter
Write a bundle stream to a file output channel.
writeClusteringResult(XMLStreamWriter, Clustering<Model>, Database) - Method in class elki.result.KMLOutputHandler
writeClusterResult(Database, StreamFactory, Clustering<Model>, Cluster<Model>, List<Relation<?>>, NamingScheme) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriter
writeClusters(BufferedWriter, MultipleObjectsBundle) - Method in class elki.application.GeneratorXMLSpec
Write the resulting clusters to an output stream.
WriteDataStoreProcessor<T> - Class in elki.parallel.processor
Output channel to store data in a WritableDataStore.
WriteDataStoreProcessor(WritableDataStore<T>) - Constructor for class elki.parallel.processor.WriteDataStoreProcessor
WriteDataStoreProcessor.Instance - Class in elki.parallel.processor
Instance for a sub-channel.
writeDouble(byte[], int, double) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write a double to the byte array at the given offset.
WriteDoubleDataStoreProcessor - Class in elki.parallel.processor
Write double values into a WritableDoubleDataStore.
WriteDoubleDataStoreProcessor(WritableDoubleDataStore) - Constructor for class elki.parallel.processor.WriteDoubleDataStoreProcessor
WriteDoubleDataStoreProcessor.Instance - Class in elki.parallel.processor
Instance for a sub-channel.
writeEmptyPages(IntegerArray, FileChannel) - Method in class elki.index.tree.TreeIndexHeader
Write the indices of empty pages the the end of file.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.data.HyperBoundingBox
The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, and arrays.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.AbstractNode
Calls the super method and writes the id of this node, the numEntries and the entries array to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp.MkAppDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the polynomial approximation of the knn distances of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp.MkAppLeafEntry
Calls the super method and writes the polynomiale approximation of the knn distances of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp.PolynomialApproximation
The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, and arrays.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop.ApproximationLine
The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, and arrays.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop.MkCoPDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the conservative approximation of the knn distances of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop.MkCoPLeafEntry
Calls the super method and writes the conservative and progressive approximation of the knn distances of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkmax.MkMaxDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the knn distance of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkmax.MkMaxLeafEntry
Calls the super method and writes the knn distance of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mktab.MkTabDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the parameter k_max and the knn distances of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mktab.MkTabLeafEntry
Calls the super method and writes the parameter k_max and the knn distances of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.MTreeDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the routingObjectID, the parentDistance and the coveringRadius of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.MTreeLeafEntry
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.AbstractRStarTreeNode
Calls the super method and writes the id of this node, the numEntries and the entries array to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.rdknn.RdKNNDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the knn distance of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.rdknn.RdKNNLeafEntry
Calls the super method and writes the knn distance of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.spatial.SpatialDirectoryEntry
Calls the super method and writes the MBR object of this entry to the specified output stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.index.tree.spatial.SpatialPointLeafEntry
Calls the super method and writes the values of this entry to the specified stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class elki.persistent.AbstractExternalizablePage
The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, and arrays.
writeFloat(byte[], int, float) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write a float to the byte array at the given offset.
writeHeader(BundleStreamSource, ByteBuffer, WritableByteChannel) - Method in class elki.datasource.bundle.BundleWriter
Write the header for the given stream to the stream.
writeHeader(PrintStream) - Method in class elki.application.greedyensemble.EvaluatePrecomputedOutlierScores
writeHeader(ByteBuffer) - Method in class elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.MkTreeHeader
Writes this header to the specified file.
writeHeader(ByteBuffer) - Method in class elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.rdknn.RdKNNTreeHeader
Writes this header to the specified file.
writeHeader(ByteBuffer) - Method in class elki.index.tree.TreeIndexHeader
Writes this header to the specified file.
writeHeader(ByteBuffer) - Method in class elki.persistent.DefaultPageHeader
Writes this header to the specified file.
writeHeader(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface elki.persistent.PageHeader
Writes this header to the specified file.
writeHeader(FileChannel) - Method in interface elki.persistent.PageHeader
Read the header from an input file.
writeImage(BufferedImage, TranscoderOutput) - Method in class elki.visualization.batikutil.ThumbnailTranscoder
Output will be ignored!
writeInt(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write an integer to the byte array at the given offset.
WriteIntegerDataStoreProcessor - Class in elki.parallel.processor
Write int values into a WritableIntegerDataStore.
WriteIntegerDataStoreProcessor(WritableIntegerDataStore) - Constructor for class elki.parallel.processor.WriteIntegerDataStoreProcessor
WriteIntegerDataStoreProcessor.Instance - Class in elki.parallel.processor
Instance for a sub-channel.
writeItem - Variable in class elki.visualization.gui.ResultWindow.DynamicMenu
The "Write to CSV" button, to invoce the text writer.
writeIterableResult(StreamFactory, IterableResult<?>) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriter
writeLong(byte[], int, long) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write a long to the byte array at the given offset.
writeNewlineOnDebug(XMLStreamWriter) - Method in class elki.result.KMLOutputHandler
Print a newline when debugging.
writeNode(N) - Method in class elki.index.tree.IndexTree
Write a node to the backing storage.
writeObject(TextWriterStream, String, Object) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriterWriterInterface
Non-type-checking version.
writeOrderingResult(Database, StreamFactory, OrderingResult, List<Relation<?>>) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriter
writeOtherResult(StreamFactory, Object) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriter
writeOutlierResult(XMLStreamWriter, OutlierResult, Database) - Method in class elki.result.KMLOutputHandler
writePage(int, P) - Method in class elki.persistent.AbstractPageFile
Perform the actual page write operation.
writePage(int, P) - Method in class elki.persistent.LRUCache
writePage(int, P) - Method in class elki.persistent.MemoryPageFile
writePage(int, P) - Method in class elki.persistent.OnDiskArrayPageFile
Write page to disk.
writePage(int, P) - Method in class elki.persistent.PersistentPageFile
This method is called by the cache if the page is not longer stored in the cache and has to be written to disk.
writePage(P) - Method in class elki.persistent.AbstractPageFile
Writes a page into this file.
writePage(P) - Method in interface elki.persistent.PageFile
Writes a page into this file.
writeResult(Appendable, DBIDs, OutlierResult, ScalingFunction, String) - Method in class elki.application.greedyensemble.ComputeKNNOutlierScores
Write a single output line.
writers - Static variable in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriter
Hash map for supported classes in writer.
writers - Variable in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriterStream
Handlers for various object types.
writeSettingsResult(StreamFactory, List<SettingsResult>) - Method in class elki.result.textwriter.TextWriter
writeShort(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write a short to the byte array at the given offset.
writeSignedVarint(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write an signed integer using a variable-length encoding.
writeSignedVarintLong(ByteBuffer, long) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write a signed long using a variable-length encoding.
writeString(ByteBuffer, String) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write a string to the buffer.
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.algorithm.statistics.EvaluateRetrievalPerformance.RetrievalPerformanceResult
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.Cluster
Write to a textual representation.
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.CoreObjectsModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.CorrelationAnalysisSolution
Text output of the equation system
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.CorrelationModel
Implementation of TextWriteable interface
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.DendrogramModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.DimensionModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.EMModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.LinearEquationModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in interface elki.data.model.Model
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.PrototypeDendrogramModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in interface elki.data.model.PrototypeModel
Implementation of TextWriteable interface.
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.SimplePrototypeModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.data.model.SubspaceModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.outlier.subspace.SOD.SODModel
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.result.AssociationRuleResult
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.result.EvaluationResult
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.result.FrequentItemsetsResult
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in interface elki.result.textwriter.TextWriteable
Write self to the given TextWriterStream
writeToText(TextWriterStream, String) - Method in class elki.timeseries.ChangePoints
writeUnsignedVarint(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write an unsigned integer using a variable-length encoding.
writeUnsignedVarintLong(ByteBuffer, long) - Static method in class elki.utilities.io.ByteArrayUtil
Write an unsigned long using a variable-length encoding.
WrongParameterValueException - Exception in elki.utilities.optionhandling
Thrown by a Parameterizable object in case of wrong parameter format.
WrongParameterValueException(Parameter<?>, String, Parameter<?>, String) - Constructor for exception elki.utilities.optionhandling.WrongParameterValueException
Thrown by a Parameterizable object in case of wrong parameter format.
WrongParameterValueException(Parameter<?>, String, String) - Constructor for exception elki.utilities.optionhandling.WrongParameterValueException
Thrown by a Parameterizable object in case of wrong parameter format.
WrongParameterValueException(Parameter<?>, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception elki.utilities.optionhandling.WrongParameterValueException
Thrown by a Parameterizable object in case of wrong parameter format.
WrongParameterValueException(String) - Constructor for exception elki.utilities.optionhandling.WrongParameterValueException
Thrown by a Parameterizable object in case of wrong parameter format.
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.KDTreeEM
Cluster weights
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.DiagonalGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.MultivariateGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.SphericalGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.TextbookMultivariateGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.TextbookSphericalGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
wsum - Variable in class elki.clustering.em.models.TwoPassMultivariateGaussianModel
Weight aggregation sum.
wsum - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.Centroid
The current weight.
wsum - Variable in class elki.math.linearalgebra.CovarianceMatrix
The current weight.
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